• automatic sort number increment


    I have a table with 3000+ records grouped into 30+ areas. Each area has a “Sort” field with a delivery order number. I am trying to write a routine to take a sorted subtable and insert a new sort number sequenced by 10 (ie: 10, 20, 30, etc.) This gives room for inserting directions, new stops, etc. until the “in-between” numbers are used and then the subtable must be renumbered. I have tried to use the row number (rownumber * 10) but cannot get the proper commands to get the row number out. I am developing in 97 and 2000, but the application will be most widely used in 97 at this time. Thanks for any/all help. Dave

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    • #1775370

      Do you want to do this in code or in a query?
      Do you want to do this just once or at certain times to reset/recreate these values to restore the gap of 10?

      • #1775782

        This should be a macro or module. The users should just be able to click on a button to achieve the new number sequence. Thanks for your input.

        • #1775907

          Try the following (DAO so it should work on Access 97, if you use ADO on Access 200 may need some mods). I assume your sort field is not unique and that there are records in the table.

          Private Function ResetSortSpace(szArea as string) as long
          On Error Goto Err_ResetSortSpace
          dim DB as database, RS as recordset, s as string, lCount as long
          const lIncrement = 10
          set DB = Currentdb
          s = “SELECT sortField FROM sourceTable WHERE (areaField = ‘” & szArea & “‘) ORDER BY sortField”)
          set RS = DB.Openrecordset(s)
          lCount = lIncrement
          RS!sortField = lCount
          lCount = lCount ‘plus’ lIncrement ‘the editor is not accepting a ‘plus’ sysmbol!!!!
          loop until RS.EOF

          ResetSortSpace = 0
          exit function


          ResetSortSpace = 1 ‘Or other values if you want to trap different errors
          exit function

          end function

    • #1775376

      dim db as database
      dim strSQL as string
      set db = currentdb()
      strSQL = “UPDATE tblYourTable SET fldRownumber = fldRownumber * 10

      db.execute strSQL, dbFailOnError

      set db = Nothing

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