• auto page numbering during printing (2000)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Word and word processing help » auto page numbering during printing (2000)


    We have a large number of word documents that are made into booklets. Each is only 1 page but that page is printed up to 200 times. We need to have a field that increments the page number for the 200 pages as it is printed so it looks like this
    page 1 of 200. It would be nice to have a dialogue that asks how many pages you want to print. Previously we have simply copied the same page 200 times so that it ends up as a 200 page Word document. This proves to be a problem when the document changes. Is there a simple way of doing this so that we can just have a one page document that increments the page number when printing?

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    • #924537

      One way to do it is using a FormField. Format it as Number and name it CopyNumber, put it somewhere on the document (NOT in a header or footer). Then run this macro:

      Sub CopyNumberedPrint
      Dim lngCopies As Long
      Dim lngCounter As Long
      lngCopies = Clng(InputBox(“How many copies?”))
      For lngCounter = 1 To lngCopies
      ActiveDocument.FormFields(“CopyNumber”).Result = lngCounter
      Next lngCounter
      End Sub

      • #924984

        Thanks very much. Have treid it and it works great.

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