• Audio Cassettes


    My new car has only a CD player, and the dealer wants an outrageous sum to fit an optional tape deck. I have over 1000 classical music cassettes collected over the years, many of which are no longer available as either tapes or CDs. I’d like to convert some of these to CDs. I can see no difficulty in connecting my tape deck to my sound card; but I suppose I will need software to convert the input to MP3 for the CD player. As I wear hearing aids anyway, the absolute highest of hi-fi isn’t required, although I would like it reasonably decent. Any suggestions please?

    Pat gramps

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    • #951515

      When I Googled on “convert audio cassettes” I got a lot of hits that are willing to do it for a FEE, but see if there’s anything here: Convert Audio Cassettes Into MP3s For Free

    • #951539

      Does your in car CD player play mp3? if not you will have to rip them and then burn to cd.

      • #951597

        I too faced this dilemma, but received a free copy of Steinberg “Clean” on a magazine CD. The version is 4.0 there is a version 5.0 available through
        http://www.pinnaclesys.com/Category.asp?Ca…y=9&Langue_id=7%5B/url%5D I cannot see the difference between version 4 & 5 other than the distribution is now through Pinnacle and not Steinberg. The program is stable on XP-PRO-SP2 and although the appearance is daunting the results are great. It take about 20 minutes to do a 60 minute cassette PLUS playing time.

    • #952548

      I have converted many cassettes to CD/MP3 using a shareware program called CD Wave. It does involve some time and work but the results are more than adequate for my listening needs.

      I recorded each side to a wav file, split the wavs into individual tracks then converted to MP3.

      CD Wave Homepage

      If you don’t mind having the entire side as one file, then there’s an open source program called CDEX that will work but it does not split the wav files.

      CDEX Homepage

      You could probably use sound player in Windows for splitting the .wav file but it would be a little harder to fine tune.

      • #958813

        I want to thank everyone for the ideas for copying cassettes to CDs. I will try some of these applications and see how it goes. I knew there was an easier way but didn’t know where to look. Thanks again.
        Ken Hess

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