• Ashampoo Burning Studio


    For those interested, I see that Ashampoo Burning Studio 2009 is available as a free download here

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    • #1144927

      And you’ll note a key element of that offer is a GREAT price to “upgrade” to the latest level if you want (or need to). This same route is the way I got into using the product in the first place and they’ve made this possible at other times in the past. It’s a very good product and worth a switch.

    • #1144948

      First, let me say I own a copy of Ashampoo Burning Studio 2008 and love it.

      But, this article is confusing. confused

      They are offering Ashampoo Burning Studio 2009 but once you get it you can “upgrade” to Ashampoo Burning Studio 2008 for a few bucks?
      I’m looking at the Ashampoo site and don’t see a version 2009 offered. But, the link is for a download from http://www.vnudownloads.co.uk/ashampoo_bur…09_804_4877.exe.

      Anyway, the product is worth a try. REmember, since the d/l isn’t from the author of the software be sure you scan the file for virus’s first.

      • #1144950

        I think they make up these “fictitious” titles when they get ready to allow the freebie offers to generate more business. They’ve done it before – see thread at post 675,959. I’d bet that the alleged “2009” version is simply some prior level and after that they’ll have you hooked. And they’re right – as I said, they did it to me and I’m a happy camper.

        • #1144954

          Al’s correct about the “fictitious” name, but the upgrade offer is to Burning Studio 8 (not 2008)-(presumably a version that’s 2000 years old devil )

          The upgraded version has more features (which I’ve never used, but am happy to have there in case I need to use them) according to the article.

          • #1145011

            Just out of curiosity, John, my About screen looks like the attached. Is your like that too?

            • #1145019

              Hi Al,

              Nope, mine says version 8.04, but I recently checked for updates, and that’s what I got grin

            • #1145020

              Thanks, John! I must be a little behind. I’ll go now to see if I can get updated…

            • #1145175

              For what it is worth, my about box

            • #1145178

              Here is mine and I d/l’ed yesterday

            • #1145427

              I’m assuming that your screenshot is of the “Ashampoo 2009 free offering”? IF <—– that is the case then I'd be curious to know if it has all the features of my paid version of version 8.04. See the list of features in the screenshot below:

            • #1145429

              Here is a clip of mine. I haven’t played around with it to much. But I did use the ‘Back-up’ feature of my Picture folder and it went smoothly to a DVD.

            • #1145430

              Yes, you are right, it is the Free one that I down loaded.

            • #1145954

              Pardon me if I jump on the band wagon, well behind the times it seems as the version I am using was offered as a freebie some months ago in the UK “Computeractive” magazine….. version 6 which is probably why it was offered free & to get potential customers for the latest version. However; it does the * basics so I am curious to know if it is worth clicking on the link in the first post of this thread and (from the comments I’ve read) end up with version 8? I have compared the tabs in this thread with those on version 6 that I am using and the only differences seem to be the options of “Expert Function” & ” Print & Design”. Don’t know if they will represent another feather in my cap for (* as I said) up till now I have [thanks to an earlier post by Big Al] only used the third & fifth tabs which I have found easy to use. If only Nero 7 was as easy, maybe it is for some but for me it falters quite often. Regards….. SF

            • #1145958

              Well, I don’t know what the differences in function are between Version 6 and 8 but if you’re liking the product and it’s free why don’t you go for the Version 8. Unlike Nero, which I also used to use, you shouldn’t have any trouble upgrading. I have burned a lot of CDs and have had NO troubles with Ashampoo Version 8.

            • #1145964

              Thanks Al….will do…here goes…worth a try.Yep, I find it very easy to use so why bother with anything else? Have a nice day from the frozen north of the UK, I hope the weather you’re having is better than ours. The pic below was taken a few miles from our house. [in wrong section I know but thought I would add a little real life. ] SF

            • #1146092

              That’s a lot of snow! I see you’re from County Durham. Does that make you a fellow Geordie?


            • #1146112

              Sure does Paul….. at the expense of being boring & irrelevant to the rest of the loungers yep; I have lived in Darlington for the past 40 or so years but hail from a little further north. Not as far north as would have left me with a strong Geordie accent like those from Newbiggin where they need an interpreter to accompany them if they venture south of Durham. Just seen the weather forecast and the SOUTH which gets most of the better weather, is in for more snow. Hard cheese. Better sign off or I’ll be in trouble…. Regards SF

            • #1186509

              Sure does Paul….. at the expense of being boring & irrelevant to the rest of the loungers yep; I have lived in Darlington for the past 40 or so years but hail from a little further north. Not as far north as would have left me with a strong Geordie accent like those from Newbiggin where they need an interpreter to accompany them if they venture south of Durham. Just seen the weather forecast and the SOUTH which gets most of the better weather, is in for more snow. Hard cheese. Better sign off or I’ll be in trouble…. Regards SF

              Having just upgraded my computer I found that in the changeover I somehow lost my Ashampoo programme so did some fishing and discover that I was able to upgrade to version 2010 for which they provided a key to active it. Thought I would post it here in case there are others who are using an older version. Dave.

            • #1186516

              Having just upgraded my computer I found that in the changeover I somehow lost my Ashampoo programme so did some fishing and discover that I was able to upgrade to version 2010 for which they provided a key to active it. Thought I would post it here in case there are others who are using an older version. Dave.

              I’d sure like to have a link to where you found it. I can’t find ANYTHING on their web site about 2010… Thanks…

            • #1186583

              I’d sure like to have a link to where you found it. I can’t find ANYTHING on their web site about 2010… Thanks…

              Ashampoo 2010 is version 9.10 according to Ashampoo Burning Studio 2010 9.10 Free | TechBeta[/url] & Ashampoo Burning Studio 2010 serial full version , License key for Ashampoo burning studio 9.10[/url].

              Both have links to download that version. The latter has instructions on getting the free key.



    • #1146089

      A little bit late here, but thanks for posting this. Ashampoo Burning Studio is a great piece of soft!

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