• As expected, Win10 version 1809 launched today – but don’t panic

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    Win10 1809 officially dropped a couple of hours ago, but you won’t get bit by it – won’t get tossed into the extended unpaid beta testing phase – unle
    [See the full post at: As expected, Win10 version 1809 launched today – but don’t panic]

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    • #221014

      As quoted on the blog, from Microsoft:

      Once there, simply click “Check for updates” to begin the download and installation process.

      I could purchase the full sized, hardbound edition of the current Oxford English Dictionary. Spend some personal time blacking out all entries, leaving just the words check, download, and instal. Then send this gift to Redmond. But I doubt it would have any effect.

      “When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.” (thanks Wikiquote)

    • #221051

      Well darn…it was a Tuesday so I thought “let’s see what’s shakin’ ”

      Sure ‘nuf, here comes 1809, fortunately it’s my gaming machine…and when I say “gaming” I’m talking  Bejeweled 2. It’s an old 64 bit Dell with an Asus MB running a Core2 Quad.

      It hasn’t crashed yet, of course, it hasn’t restarted either.

      I can watch it from here, if it goes into a seizure I’ll get back to you, if it blows up I imagine there’ll be pictures at 11:00

      Hmmmm  42%   installed and in no hurry, this is a big one

      I’ll get back after the restart and I check out the peripherals/scanner/cam/printer etc.


      • #221309

        Here’s my update to 1809 experience – Yup, I asked for it 🙁   –


        Last night all seemed well, glad I went right to bed because if I’d checked further I might not  have slept as well….

        About an hour ago my 2 monitors ((Nvidia  Gforce 210) went into pastel pixel mania in a totally artistic form, some 4″ squares, a couple 4×6″ rectangles then some fancy triangles until the whole screen was filled with pastel pixels (each color was maybe 5 sq pixels or so) then black/colorpixel/black…. both monitors but not simultaneous – 1 then the other then back then forth, glad I don’t have epilepsy.

        Then it totally recovered as if nothing ever happened.

        I then noticed a couple notifications which, to be honest, had probably been there since last night.

        1) Windows uninstalled CCCleaner during upgrade

        2) Windows uninstalled the remainder of my Lifecam 5000 software (mostly, it’s still using VPUGraph.dll in PFiles(86)

        CCCleaner is also completely gone from Pfiles and Pdata

        I can still print and scan, Whoopee!

        Did I have “Dark” mode in explorer before? That seems new, I like it

        That’s it for now


    • #221117

      I have to laugh at the Clipboard changes. Now you can save multiple clips! … except that you could already do that with Clipbook Viewer in Windows for Workgroups 3.11 and NT 4.0!

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    • #221463

      I have to laugh at the Clipboard changes. Now you can save multiple clips! … except that you could already do that with Clipbook Viewer in Windows for Workgroups 3.11 and NT 4.0!

      True. MS is not creating anything new. Just recycling previous stuff. MS is trying to reinvent the wheel and coming up with same thing that rectangle and oval are not wheels.

      • #221755

        MS is not creating anything new. Just recycling previous stuff.

        Hey, c’mon, give them a break. It can’t be easy conceiving and coding a stream of new features at the breakneck pace (break-Windows pace?) required to attempt to justify Microsoft’s way-too-frequent Win10 Feature Updates.

        As for me, I gotta say I’m really looking forward to the killer feature rumored to be in development for Win10 v1903… “Clippy – the Windows Assistant”! 🙂

    • #221767

      Hey Y’all,

      Installed 1809 successfully on my test machine. Put it through it’s paces and seems to work just fine. You can see the details of my testing here. 😎

      May the Forces of good computing be with you!


      PowerShell & VBA Rule!
      Computer Specs

      • #222873

        Hey Y’all,

        Here’s an update.

        Even though things seemed to be working properly and I didn’t lose any user files I discovered this today.


        Notice that Windows thinks my Documents are on the C: drive when I had them redirected to the G: drive. They are still there on the G: drive but the shortcut under C:UsersBruce points to C:. Pay attention to the date the Documents folder was created. I didn’t notice this before as I have Office set to look on G: as well as PowerShell which is where I spend most of my time. You’ll also notice that there is no LOCATION tab!

        Restoring my Macrium Reflect Image as I write this.

        HTH :cheers:

        May the Forces of good computing be with you!


        PowerShell & VBA Rule!
        Computer Specs

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        • #222883

          Good find! Interesting that there is no location tab in the Documents folder properties, which begs the question, why would they change with this? What were they trying to achieve?

          Personally, I’ve never use default location folders for Windows and have personal/ work files situated elsewhere, disassociated with defaults since the days of WinXP.

          If debian is good enough for NASA...
        • #222885

          There have been other upgrades (can’t remember which) that have failed to recognize User folders not in the default location on C:\Users. It would appear that the problem is still there.

        • #223145

          Hi Geek,

          Although I don’t keep much there I Do actually have a “Location” tab where you don’t.

          One thing I just noticed is that “Windows.old” has absolutely no personal info in it. My User/Kevin/docs/Pictures and Music all carried over, and it left my actual document folder alone (which is on a 500gig spinner as “D: Documents”) but that Windows.Old folder seems pretty useless. Also there are no non-MS applications left in “Windows.old/Program Files(86)”

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