My external hard drive has died – at least I think it has.
Acronis had almost completed an image when a failure notice appeared, due to lack of space on drive E, the Vista recovery drive. Checking to see why it was trying to create it there, I discovered that the ext. drive was no longer showing on the laptop, and plugging it in to the desktop produced the same result.
It is almost certainly dead, but I read recently that most hard drive failures are due to the AC adapter, so I wonder whether I should take it to a repair shop and have it checked, bearing in mind that the green light still shows when the drive is plugged in. Does the adapter have any function other than to reduce the mains voltage?
However, my main reason for posting is to ask about a new drive. I notice that all the 2TB drives available, other than WD, no longer have a mains lead, whereas 3TB and above still do. Doesn’t the lack of mains power slow the drive considerably? And possibly increase the number of errors?