• Archiving e-mail (Outlook 2000)


    We have a single user who has saved 1.5 gigabytes (yes, gigabytes!) of e-mail. Our mail server is being pushed to its limits, and until we expand our storage we’re looking for options for archiving his mail outside of the network. Since our C: drives are not routinely backed up, and our network drives have other priorities, we’re trying to explore other options.

    My question is, has anyone any experience with archiving to CD-RW? If we were to archive his files to CD through a specific date, have you any feel for how long it might take him to access a specific mail message? Some of his files have mammoth spreadsheets attached, and for legal and tracking purposes he feels that he needs to keep them with the message and not store them in Excel.

    Any comments, experience shared, thoughts or alternative suggestions will be most appreciated. To a lesser degree, we have this same issue with several other users. Thanks in advance.

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    • #545932

      check out the housekeeping section at slipstick.com. there are several utilities that will let you archive the messages outside of outlook – either in msg format (as single messages) or as rtf files – these can be put on a cd and the rtf versions can be searched and opened with any tool, outlook is not required. For cd storage, this would be best.

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