• Apple’s 2013 and 2014 iMacs Now Obsolete

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    Products are considered obsolete when Apple stopped distributing them for sale more than 7 years ago. Monster-branded Beats products are considered obsolete regardless of when they were purchased.

    Apple discontinues all hardware service for obsolete products, with the sole exception of Mac laptops that are eligible for an additional battery-only repair period. Service providers cannot order parts for obsolete products.

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    • #2502712

      Nothing new here. Scrapple wants you to buy more overpriced products.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2502713

        Will be of use with a Linux distro on the device…freedom lol

        If debian is good enough for NASA...
    • #2502722

      Nothing new here. Scrapple wants you to buy more overpriced products.

      Sorry but your remark is just B**

      Show me another PC vendor who supports hardware for 9 years like Apple does.

    • #2502808

      I wondered why there was a slew of the 2013-14 iMacs being sold cheap all of a sudden in the local “Buy and Sell.”  With the abundance of cheap parts, RAM, SSD sticks and Drives you could have your self a nice machine for $300 or thereabouts capable of running Win 10 + 11 as well as Ventura with OCLP. Not quite a Retina display. Probably some time next year the 2015’s (Retina) will hit a similar price.

      Alas the end is all but nigh for future upgrades for the intel Macs but should provide many years of service fairly cheap and well performing, with upgrades;

      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #2563154

      Apple added 2011 Thunderbolt Display and 2013 first-generation iPad Air to the obsolete list

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