• Append Query (Access 2000)


    I have an append query to add batches of records to an existing table. The existing table has a field (invoice number) that when done manually increases by one each time I click the new button. If I run the query having started with 1000 records and append 10 more the invoice number field only increases by one to 1001 and repeats that another 9 times. How can I make it increase to 1001, 1002 and so on?

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    • #544692

      I did something similar with record nos where autonumber was not suitable. If you add code to the before update property of the ‘invoice no’ field (not part of your append query code) which looks up the previous record and adds 1, I think you will find this works.
      Peter Herworth

    • #544698

      I was a little hasty with my response before and didn’t think properly. The code I refered to is applied to ‘After_Update’ property of one of the fields you are updating (not Invoice No). I then have a small form based on a query which queries the last invoice no of the table you are working on. The After UD code looks up the small form and makes ‘Invoice No’ of new record ‘Last No’ (from small form) +1. It sounds long-winded but I promise you the code whizzes through it.
      (I hope you understand what I’m trying to explain).
      Peter Herworth

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