• Apache, MySQL & PHP

    • This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 22 years ago.

    I need to set up a development environment at home to develop PHP / MySQL based web sites. Has anyone installed Apache / MySQL / PHP for a single user. The “instructions” for manually installing on WinXP are not complicated but very open to typos / missing instructions, etc.

    Has anyone created some batch files for automating the process or come across a more readable set of instructions?

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    • #652189

      I have put Apache, MySQL and PHP on several WIndows machines, 9x, 2K and XPP, and if you follow the instructions, you should have no problems. There didn’t seem to be anything missing or any typos of the like that I can recall.

      There are several “triads” that will install all 3 in a preconfigured states. phpdev4 seems to be the only one I have bookmarked. I have tried them and didn’t like them. Although I seriously did look at them when I first got going.

      I install them separately so I can duplicate the web hosts setup. Mainly so there would be no surprises when I uploaded my site.

    • #652467


      When you get to development environment, I’d be interested in what you select. So far I’ve only done a few trials, and Komodo is my favorite. But it’s not cheap. http://www.activestate.com/Products/Komodo/%5B/url%5D


      • #652794

        I’m not Doug but I’ll give you my 2cents worth any way grin

        I have tried Komodo, Zend Studio, Programmers Notepad, Dreamweaver MX and a few others. The best, IMHO, is Dreamweaver MX.

        What I really like about Dreamweaver is that it is really easy to integrate PHP and HTML in the same page.

        I don’t recall why I didn’t like the others becuase it was well over a year ago that I tried them and they may have come a long way since then, but I didn’t find them easy to use.

        Just my opinions, and some other options.

        • #653544

          I’m using Dreamweaver MX at the moment, but I started out using Frontpage which in my opinion gets slagged off far too much. It helped me get started. I find its table layout much easier to use than Dreamweaver.

          I ended up with IIS, PHP and MySQL all hanging together nicely. My problem originally with IIS was that the path to my sites were c:inetpubwwwrootgolf-in-wales.com. If I drop the .com, IIS doesn’t complain so I’m happy now.

          Thanks all for your comments.

          • #653598

            My guess is that IIS didn’t like .com, since it is an executable file extension. Just like .exe.

    • #658882

      I have used phpTriad (Apache, PHP, MySQL) for developing on my WinXP machine. It has worked fine for me and was very easy to install. It can be found at SourceForge (http://sourceforge.net/projects/phptriad/%5B/url%5D). Another one I have seen, but not tried yet is phpDev, which seems to keep up to date with the latest PHP, Apache, MySQL and related modules.
      Also for development, I have used htmlKit (http://www.chami.com/html-kit/%5B/url%5D), which has plugins for PHP, javascript, css, etc. People can also program their own plugins in several ways. It is not a wysiwyg editor at all, but I have found it very easy to use.

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