• Anyone use PowerArchiver (not free)?


    I don’t use it myself, but an interesting review here at DonationCoder.com where they seem to rate WinRAR as the best.

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    • #982456

      I’ve read that the next version of WinZip will not be included in my free lifetime updates from my current license. Whether that is true or not, I have been looking at alternatives and one of the most full-featured appears to be PowerArchiver 2006 which throws in its Outlook add-in for free (unlike WinZip).

      Anyone used PowerArchiver recently and have any comments to share?

      Added: I guess the “no free upgrade” rumor for WinZip is true (see attached); there are now “subscription” and “maintenance” options for upgrades…

      • #982464

        Check out the two free products mentioned on the Best Archive Tool – DonationCoder.com page. I prefer TUGZip to 7-ZIP but to each his own.



        • #982503

          winzip has been free for far too long for me to ever consider buying it now hushmouth

      • #982508

        I’d go with Joe on TUGZIP. It’s a great utility and you can do a certain amount of scripting for automation. Try it, it’s totally free.

        • #982515

          Strangely I get “connection refused” for http://www.tugzip.com/%5B/url%5D.

          Anyway, I asked about PowerArchiver in particular because I have a special requirement: I need a product that can open ZIP archives I encrypted with the AES used in WinZip 9.0. I also would like one that can read PKZip’s AES encrypted archives. This limits my choices a bit.

      • #982525

        If you’re prepared to wade through it, there has been lots of discussion on the usenet: powerarchiver comparison – Google Groups

        This thread, for instance, discusses some comparisons with other archiving programs.


        • #982535

          Thanks, but it seems version 9.5 is too new to have been discussed except on “cracks” groups…

      • #982536

        See http://www.buy.com/retail/product.asp?sku=…653&dcaid=17653%5B/url%5D if you are interested in a free (after rebate) Stuffit Deluxe 9 for Windows.

        • #982538

          Stuffit Deluxe 9 doesn’t open WinZip archives encrypted with AES. See http://support.allume.com/techsupport/foru…topic.php?t=707%5B/url%5D and post 531098. Maybe version 10 (Windows release date unknown)?

          • #982581

            Hmmm, I tried posting a response, but it appears to not have made it to the Lounge.

            The article you referenced indicates that Stuffit X does support AES.

            Also, http://www.stuffit.com/compression/sitxformat.html%5B/url%5D states that Suffit X is supported on Windows.
            Also, I downloaded the Stuffit DEluxe 9 Help which states:

            “StuffIt X archives can be created with encryption. There are 4 compression methods supported:

            1=RC4 – Supports up to 512bit key lengths.

            2=DES – Supports up to 64bit key lengths

            3=BlowFish – Supports up to 448bit key lengths

            4=AES – Supports up to 256bit key lengths”

            • #982744

              Here’s a test file for those with various programs installed. Can you read the phrase of the day? The password on the .txt file inside is Howard.

              Note to Howard: as far as I can tell, that is not .zip compression but some kind of proprietary format.

            • #982747

              Congratulations! (WinZip 9.0)

            • #982759

              I do not yet have the software.
              Ordered yesterday, have not yet received notice tat the critter has been shipped.

              FYI, ZIP-Central expands the file and tells me that there is a file named “Test Document.txt”, but won’t extract the file.

            • #982763

              I’ve installed TUGZip.

              It handles your file.

            • #983134

              Stuffit Deluxe 9 was supposedly shipped to me yesterday, so I can test your file when I install the software.
              It’s coming by USPS, but I do not know from where it shipped.

            • #984433

              Got Suffit Deluxe 9 today.

              It appears that it won’t extract your file.
              Archive gets opened, but it does not like the password when I try to extract the file.
              So, I guess I’ll also keep TUGZip installed.

      • #982940

        So, now I have to prove to the WinZip people that I am a registered user of version nine in order to get version ten for fifteen bucks? Oh, yeah, I’ll find that three-year-old confirmation email in a flash…

        I, too, may be seriously looking into Power Archiver when WinZip 10 comes out. I’m not entirely happy with them at the moment.

        • #982967

          WinZip 10 IS out. Get your wallet handy.



        • #983000

          My e-mail from Nico Mak Computing, Inc. (long abandoned former name) is dated 8/13/1998. grin (Yes, I am a packrat.)

          I suppose if the deal had been advertised as “7 years of upgrades” it wouldn’t be so annoying that they were ending that policy now…

          • #983008

            LOL… Come to think of it, I think I bought it in early 2001, so it’s four years, not three. I suppose that’s a fair deal, considering how often I use it, and how long I used the evaluation version before finally breaking down and paying for the license.

            How the H*** did you find a seven-year-old email??? LOL.

            • #983016

              Heck, I’ve got 9-10 year old email on my current system.
              Even older on another system.

            • #984660

              obviously a newbie to the web, I’ve got emails dating back to 1989 on one of my PCs evilgrin

            • #984696

              I never used a PC before Oct 1992.
              All mail before that was in VMS or Ultrix on DEC’s computers.

          • #983017

            What about using more than 1 free archiver to get the functionality you need.

            For years, I used the free Stuffit Expander and Wiz.
            Then I shifted to the free Stuffit Expander and ZipCentral.
            Now, I have te free Stuffit Expander (version 6), TUGZip and ZipCentral.
            And I will still be getting the free Stuffit Deluxe 9, which I understand has the latest version of Stuffit Expander on the CD-ROM.

            I guess that I’m all ZIPped up fer a long time!

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