• Anyone know about geocoding?


    For one of my clients, I want to be able to display on a map the location of all scheduled service calls for a date.

    Apparently there is a way to display such information using Google Maps, but it requires submitting the geocode location of each site (that is, latitude and longitude). So I need to be able to convert street, city, state to geocode.

    As a temporary method, I put a button on the form that takes all the addresses for the day and copies them to the clipboard, then opens a website named batchgeo.com. The user has to right-click on a box on the screen, select “Paste” (to copy-in the list of address), then click the “Map now” button on the website. It works, but I’d like to do better.

    How can I get the geocode for a specific address so I can directly call the Google Map?

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    • #1317316


      not a solution for your specific problem, but you might get a clue from Access Archon column 193. I successfully used this for single address display, in the UK. Are you fixed on Google maps? There are commercial packages that will do what you want (e.g. Microsoft’s own MapPoint). Integrating non-Microsoft products with Access may be a problem.



      • #1317328


        I already know how to display a map for a single location, and even how to show 2 addresses and the route between them; I use MapQuest for these. I just don’t know how to display multiple addresses on a map; the only direct solutions required I submit the geocode for each address. That website batchgeo.com did give me a way to submit addresses, just not as cleanly as I’d like.

    • #1317335

      You can submit an address to Google Maps API and get back a Lat/Long. You can do this in Google App Script. Look at http://code.google.com/googleapps/appsscript/class_geocoder.html – specifically the geocode method. You pass in an address and get back a structure that includes the lat/long.

    • #1317722


      One approach would be to create a .kml file of as many locations as required and then either open that from within Access or from Google Earth. One of the nice side benefits of the .kml is the ability to create grouping of addresses by what ever properties you wish. It’s easy for the user to have Google return turn-by-turn directions between any of the sites if that’s required.


      • #1317835


        it would be great is someone could develope some code for access


        • #1317836


          it would be great is someone could develope some code for access


          Thanks, but it seems to me it is easier to work with batchgeo.com than this site. It works OK, but I think having to select a file makes it harder for the user. With batchgeo, I’m able to push it to the clipboard so user only has to right-click and “Paste”.

    • #1319199

      this link may help??


      You should be able to upload a excel sheet with longitude and latitude to your map preference.

    • #1329698

      I’m currently working on a Windows application that provides geocoding and map export. It imports the addresses from an Excel or CSV file, performs the geocoding in the background, exports the address list with geocoding information and also a html map with map pins for the addresses.

      More information are available at http://www.geocoderpro.com.

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