• Anyone have experience with Aladdin’s Envelopes & Labels 6 Professional

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Outlook and email programs » Anyone have experience with Aladdin’s Envelopes & Labels 6 Professional


    Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I have a client that had this working with Office 2016 on Win 10 until about a week ago. All of a sudden it stopped and is throwing errors. I know it isn’t supposed to work with later versions of Office and the developer’s site is dead now.

    If anyone can give some tips to get it working I’d be very appreciative!

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    • #2458039

      Never mind! It was an A/V issue. Even though I disabled A/V as a first step it was still causing the issue. When I disabled email client protection everything started working again.

      • #2458042

        Time for a gentle nudge to the client to acquire a newer suite from another vendor that won’t interact negatively with their chosen A/V solution perhaps?

        After all, you did say that the developer’s site was dead, which makes it sound as if the software is no longer supported with updates these days.

        In looking at some of the search results for that particular application, according to one of the hits version 6 was released in February of 2008, so I would think that it’s high time for a newer application that can handle envelopes and labels to your client’s liking.

        • #2458044

          No doubt @Bob99 Unfortunately I tried that years ago with him and it didn’t go well. BUT he’s over 70, hates change and was my commander when I was a LEO. He’s had my back many times so I try to keep it going for him and make his computer work the way he is used to!

          • #2458060

            Bummer about that, but it’s really a mixed blessing, I think. Programs that make address labels and put addresses in pre-set positions on envelopes these days (compared to back in 2008) might very well have so many bells and whistles by default that can’t be disabled that it might be like trying to cram 4 years of college into a single semester, or completing a Master’s degree program from start to finish in a month (presuming that a Baccalaureate has already been completed)!

            In case you couldn’t guess, I don’t do much snail mailing myself. In fact, the only snail mailing I’ve been doing for some time now is sending in the payment for an occasional bill or two, and that’s down to making sure the payment address shows through the return envelope’s window and putting my return address in the upper left corner.

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