• Another Code help (Access2000)


    strFileNamePart = InputBox(“File ” & strFileName & ” already exists,” _
    & Chr(10) & “Please enter another filename not including ” _
    & Chr(34) & “.xls” & Chr(34) & “: “)
    if strFileNamePart = “” then exit sub
    strFileName = “S:SRI_WORK_AREADOCUME~1” _
    & strFileNamePart & “.xls”
    DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, “SFMTradeReport”, acFormatXLS, strFileName, True
    MsgBox “Data has been exported successfully.”, vbInformation, “Export Confirmation”
    End If

    You will need to add Dim strFilenamePart as String to the start of your code.

    Hope that helps.

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    • #547407

      **edited by Rory to avoid horizontal scrolling**

      Hi guys
      See the bolded code that is where I need your help. I was wondering if someone would tell me how I could exit the code when the user clicks on cancel. At the moment if the user selects cancel then the code saves the output with a space as its name.

      Sub test()
      Dim strFileName As String, strMsg As String, vResult As Variant
      Dim rstRecipients As DAO.Recordset
      Dim strFund As String
      strFund = "Soros"
      'On Error GoTo ExportSFMReport_Err
      Dim rst As DAO.Recordset, db As DAO.Database
         'Turn System warnings off
         DoCmd.SetWarnings False
         'Delete contents of the table
         DoCmd.RunSQL _
      "DELETE [tblSFMReportSource].* FROM [tblSFMReportSource] WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION;", 0
         'Run Append query to add SFM records to the table
         DoCmd.OpenQuery "AppendToSFMReportSource", acNormal, acEdit
         'Turn System warnings on.
         DoCmd.SetWarnings True
         Set db = CurrentDb
         Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("tblSFMReportSource")
         If rst.BOF And rst.EOF Then
         vResult = MsgBox("There are no records. Would you like to send a fax?", _
      vbQuestion + vbYesNo)
          If vResult = vbYes Then
          'set value to merge
          Set rstRecipients = db.OpenRecordset("Recipients", dbOpenDynaset)
           With rstRecipients
           .FindFirst "[Fund] = '" & strFund & "'"
           !Merge = True
           End With
            Set rst = Nothing
            Set db = Nothing
            'Open fax cover
            Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Basic")
            'objWord.AppMaximize "", 1 (optional)
            objWord.FileOpen "S:SRI_WO~1TRADEA~1Fax.doc"
            Exit Sub
            Exit Sub
          End If
             'Export records to spreadsheet and open it
             strFileName = "S:SRI_WORK_AREADOCUME~1" & "BCP" & Format(Now, "DDMMYY") & ".xls"
             vResult = Dir(strFileName)
             If vResult  "" Then
                 vResult = MsgBox("File " & strFileName & _
                 " already exists, Would you like to overwrite that file?", vbYesNo)
                 If vResult = vbYes Then
                      DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "SFMTradeReport", _
      acFormatXLS, strFileName, True
                     MsgBox "Data has been exported successfully.", vbInformation, _
      "Export Confirmation"
                      strFileName = "S:SRI_WORK_AREADOCUME~1" _
                      & InputBox("File " & strFileName & " already exists," _
                      & Chr(10) & "Please enter another filename not including " _
                      & Chr(34) & ".xls" & Chr(34) & ": ") & ".xls"
                      DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "SFMTradeReport", acFormatXLS, _
      strFileName, True
                     MsgBox "Data has been exported successfully.", _
      vbInformation, "Export Confirmation"
                  End If 
          DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "SFMTradeReport", acFormatXLS, strFileName, True
          MsgBox "Data has been exported successfully.", vbInformation, "Export Confirmation"
          End If
          'Delete contents of the table
          DoCmd.RunSQL _
      "DELETE [tblSFMReportSource].* FROM [tblSFMReportSource] WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION;", 0
          DoCmd.OpenQuery "UpdateRecipients(Merge)", acNormal, acEdit
          Set rst = Nothing
          Set db = Nothing
          AppActivate "Microsoft Excel"
         End If 
    • #547415

      Thanx alot Rory! Ur an angel
      It works fine now.

      One more question:
      When I run this code, it takes about a minute, is there anyway I could shorten this time?

      PLEASE help


      • #547703

        You don’t have a minute spare?
        It may be down to your hardware (and/or network) or simple volumes of data. How long does the append query take if you run it from the db window?
        If I get a chance, I’ll see if I can streamline the code but I can’t see anything immediately obvious that would cause it to take an unnecessarily long time.

        • #547704

          I think its caused because I’ve got few queries nested to run the queries which are in the code but I have no other way that I know to do What I want to do. It takes about a minute or so to run the code.

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