• Advice needed on Surface 7 driver downloads from Windows Update

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    I am not familiar with the Surface line of computers, but @doneager needs some advice of which, if any, drivers for his new Surface 7 are safe to download from Windows Update.

    The Surface 7 came with Win10 Home v1903 Build 18362.418 which has been upgraded to v1909 Home Build 18363.1256. It will eventually be converted to Win10 Pro. See Topic here for reference.

    wushowhide shows numerous drivers and firmware updates available. Some have been hidden, and some are just showing available.

    My normal reaction is not to accept drivers through WU, but this is an MS product and they are being offered through WU.

    So the questions are:
    Do you have experience with Surface products?
    And which updates (or type of updates) are safe to accept through WU?




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    • #2321396

      I’ve always installed all Surface and Intel updates offered by Windows Update over the last two years and haven’t encountered any problems. There are many duplicates in those screenshots though.

      The Intel Display driver offered by Windows Update is always much older than the latest delivered by Intel Driver and Support Assistant. The version shown here from Windows Update is at least 12 months and 12 versions old. When I get an old version delivered by WU, I have to roll back to the latest in Device Manager. (I’ve tried blocking that but it ends up being less convenient.)

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by b.
      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2321398

      I used to have an SP3. Got rid of it over the summer when I got an XPS-13. I installed all the firmware and driver updates offered without problems.


      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2321399

      Update history for Surface Pro 7 may help interpret the date and purpose of each version #:

      Surface Pro 7 update history

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2321582

      Thanks for starting this thread. Awaiting recommendation before installing any of these.

      D. Eager

      • #2321589


        I would strongly suggest you begin your tasks by reading all of the information in the link posted by @b just above. I’ve taken a look at it for myself, and the information on that page looks like it will go a long way towards helping you decide just which of the myriad of updates/drivers you really need to install.

        The list goes back to October of 2019 if you click on the little “down arrows” next to the other months before November which are listed under the table for November that’s presented on the page by default.

        My sense is that this will be an ongoing debate, so keep checking back every couple of days to see what new input or ideas there might be here.

    • #2321628

      The Surface Pro 7 Update History linked by @b says

      Currently, there are no known issues. If you feel that your Surface device is not working correctly, you can Fix common Surface problems using the Surface Diagnostic Toolkit.

      And, both @b and @joep517 seem to have little problems with the drivers offered by WU (except for a possible Intel Desplay being older, which can be handled)
      So, I think it is probably safe to go ahead and install the available drivers.

      However, there are some updates that are available to be hidden that you should try to hide:
      KB4023057 This one definitely needs to be hidden.
      Two incidents of Cumulative Update Preview for .NET. You may not be able to hide these due to the way MS has configured them, so if you can, OK and if you can’t, they can be installed.

      + So, UNHIDE the ones that are hidden. They are all drivers and firmware.
      + Run wushowhide and HIDE (or try to hide) the three listed above if they show up.
      + Rerun wushowhide and verify what is hidden.
      + Rerun wushowhide and go through the list of updates available to be hidden.
      If there are only drivers left (and maybe the .NET Previews if they won’t hide).
      + Wait for Windows Update to rescan on its own (you can monitor the last-run date). DO NOT “Check for updates.”
      + Then go through the list that shows up in the Windows Update queue in the Settings App, and be sure there is nothing there but the drivers (and maybe .NET Previews).
      + If the only updates in the queue are the drivers (and maybe the .NET Previews if they won’t hide), go ahead and turn Metered connections OFF and let them install. If there is anything else there but drivers, wait and ask first.
      + When it asks you to “Restart” – turn metered connections back ON before you restart.

      Let me know what happens.

    • #2322255

      Spent all day yesterday with PCMover transferring apps and data. Actually went pretty well. I’d give it an 8 out of 10. Only had to contact tech support twice for pre-transfer questions. User Guide a bit hard to follow in spots. About 15 items didn’t transfer, but none appear vital. I’ll work on them later. Temporarily “lost” all saved email and calendars in Outlook, but was able to locate them eventually. Also lost wife’s Outlook profile and had to reconstruct it. My profile was messed up and had to be revised. Many custom Outlook settings will have to be re-done, but it’s working. Internet, printer, mouse, external keyboard all work. External monitor not working, yet at least.

      So, today is update drivers day using your instructions above. I’ll report in later.

    • #2322302

      New, additional driver information. Before starting on the steps you outlined, I decided to check at Windows Update. I found 7 items there pending download. All of these are on the hide list and 3 are also on the hidden list. Should I download and install these before starting your steps? None are the  3 you advised to hide.

      • #2322306

        Yes, go ahead and install them first. That may eliminate some of the others that are superseded. Watch that the three are not in the list.

    • #2322314

      This is weird. Just went back to Windows Update page to install the 7 items. They are no longer there. Looked at Update History and they aren’t there either, so they didn’t magically install. Should I forget about this and just start on your protocol?

      • #2322323

        Then there is nothing left in Windows Update?
        If that’s the case.proceed with the instructions.

    • #2322344

      The following non-drivers were listed as available to hide: Security Update for Adobe, MSRT and Defender AV update. These didn’t appear threatening, so I didn’t hide them. Been waiting for about 4 hours for these updates to show up on Windows Update page. It shows last checked of 12/1920 @ 6:13 AM. Should I just keep waiting and checking?

      • #2322347

        Yes, keep waiting. Windows Update has to scan on its own. The date will change when it does. (rebooting may help (and may not).

        Those 3 updates are OK.

    • #2322357

      They finally showed up! 28 of of 31 actually updated per history. The 3 that didn’t were all the same: Intel Corporation – System – 42.18362.3.2451. 2 others of this same update DID install. All these installed with metered connection ON. I think that’s normal for these types of updates. Was never asked to restart. After clicking download, they just took off. Metered remains ON. Only two items remain hidden: .NET preview KB4586878 and the notorious KB4023057. Only 1 item shows available to hide, a Defender AV update. Installing that now.

      Looks good to me. What say you?

      If you agree, I’m going to move on the Home to Pro upgrade, the next item on my master list.

      • #2322458

        That sounds good.
        Like @Paul-T says, make a backup before you start with the license change.
        And once you are on Pro, IMMEDIATELY set the three GP settings to control Windows Update.

        Waiting to hear!

    • #2322408

      After clicking download, they just took off. Metered remains ON

      This is the expected behaviour. Having them wait ’till you are ready is the best solution IMO.

      Home to Pro is just a license change. No files to worry about.
      Create an image backup before and after the upgrade, just to be safe.

      cheers, Paul

    • #2322476

      Are the 3 GP referenced the ones in AKB2318864?  Just want to be SURE. I recall that I should also go to Windows Update>Advanced and make both Quality and Feature 0 days. Still required? Metered connection to remain on. With this setup, how will I be notified of Quality, Defender AV, MSRT updates and so forth? How should I process them? Is wushowhide still in play?

      Looking forward to completing this Home to Pro 1909 upgrade today!

      • #2322479

        The three GP settings are here #2318864.
        Read what the “2” settings does when you set it in GP. You should read Sections 3-5 of AKB2000016 and understand what you are setting.

        The updates show up in the Windows Update queue, but they don’t download until you hit the “Download” button. They will sit there forever waiting for your permission. So you no longer need Metered connections and should turn them OFF after you set the “2.”

        wushowhide still works. You can see the updates in the queue and then hide them. You still have to wait after you hide them untill WU rescans and removes what you have hidden. What you see in the queue is what you will get when you click “Download” (NOT “check for updates”)

        You also don’t need to have any values set in Windows Update\Advanced in the pulldown deferral switches. Set both to zero. The GP settings override the Feature deferrals anyway.

    • #2322547

      Upgrade to Windows 10 Pro (1909) completed. Had to pay for a new Pro license to do it. Tried all the suggestions I found on how to transfer, none worked. Called MS tech support and was advised that license transfer is not possible. Gave me some mumbo jumbo about license data being “hard coded” into the motherboard. I don’t believe it, but was just tied of worrying about this.

      Anyway, as soon as the upgrade was completed and the Surface re-booted, I cut my Internet connection. Then I made the 3 changes to GP and checked the Feature and Quality settings and found them both to already at 0 days. Set metered to OFF. Re-activated Internet connection.

      So, I guess I’m set for now. I’ll just have to wait and see what happens with future Quality and other updates like MSRP, Defender AV, etc. Then, once Susan gives the OK for home users to go to 2004, I guess all I need to do is change the GP setting from 1909 to 2004. Might need your advice on that. I have an ISO stashed away on a flash drive.

      Thank you SO much for all your help with this. I’m sorry for all the questions, but I never could have gotten through this without you.


      Don Eager

      • #2322549

        If you have any more questions, I’m usually around somewhere 🙂

    • #2322616

      Gave me some mumbo jumbo about license data being “hard coded” into the motherboard. I don’t believe it,

      Yes, it is. License is “written” into BIOS and tied to the motherboard and can’t be moved unless it is a retail license.

    • #2322644

      It is, or I guess now was, a retail license purchased from the Microsoft Store no less. Tech support just started arguing right away that there was no way to transfer the license and never asked what type of license it was. I tried telling them it was from their own store, but they wouldn’t listen. Guess I’m out $99.00!

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