• Adding company holidays (OL2003, Windows XP)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Outlook and email programs » Adding company holidays (OL2003, Windows XP)


    In years past I have successfully distributed firm holidays using a program I downloaded from Slipstick.com. We were then on Windows 2000, OL 2000. This year I tested the same program on my computer and it worked fine. However, when I distributed it to everyone in the firm, one of two things happened. Either the holidays showed as a list (the behind the scenes setup to download) or the Add Holidays button appeared but did nothing when it was clicked.

    Has anyone used the program from Slipstick (now called “Transmit Holidays”) on Windows XP and Office 2003 machines? Are there known issues that I couldn’t find on Slipstick? Would the mail format in use by the user make a difference (e.g., HTML, Rich text, Plain text)? Am I missing a step somewhere? Any help will be most appreciated.

    Thank you.

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    • #982202

      Is it possible that security restrictions are blocking the program? (I haven’t downloaded it to see how it works, but a nonfunctional button is a hint…)

      • #982239

        Are you thinking of security restrictions within Outlook itself? Could you suggest something we might look at? I don’t understand why, in some instances it sends the “list” of dates with % symbols separating fields, and in others presents the correct form with the non-functioning button to add the holidays. I do appreciate the fact that you thought of that – without having seen the program.

        Additional note: I’ve learned that the program works fine for our users who are still on Windows 2000, and Outlook 2000. If the program runs a macro, could OL 2003 be stopping the program from running on other users machines, even though it ran fine on mine? If that’s the case, is there anyway to make the macro “safe” within our firm?

        Thank you.

        • #982258

          Sorry, I can’t experiment with this at the moment, but here’s a link for others who might have more time to work on it: Transmit Holidays Custom Form for Microsoft Outlook

          • #982260


            Please don’t spend anymore time working on it. We’ve located another method using a customized Outlook.hol file, and will give that to our 2003 users. Possibly also to our OL2000 users, but not unless I’m confident that the .hol file hasn’t changed between releases. I may use the Transmit Holidays download for them. It really worked well – on 2000, apparently.

            Thank you for taking time to work on this with me. I do appreciate it.

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