• adding check boxes (2003)


    OK…It is Wednesday and I give up!!!

    I have a form with multiple check boxes. I want to total the number of checks when there is a change in Physician. It can not be that hard but I am not getting my answers on my report.

    I created an unbound control =iif(noh&p)=-1,1,0)….I get a 1 – this is good. I named this box toth&p.
    then I created another unbound on the physician footer =toth&p with running sum = yes. I get a 1…not good.

    So what is up??? My brain is fried and it is only Wednesday…


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    • #1111499

      Set the control source of the text box in the footer to =Abs(Sum([noh&p]))

    • #1111507

      It is REALLY not a good idea to use the “&” symbol in control and field names. Unless you ALWAYS encompass the names in brackets [ ], Access may get confused and think you are trying to concatenate fields into a string.

      • #1111511

        I fully agree with that!

        In general, the names of database objects, fields and controls should NOT contain spaces and unusual symbols such as punctuation. It’s best to stick to letters, digits and underscores.

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