• add/update (Access 97, sr2)


    I am working on an Access 97 database to register students. I have created several forms. One for adding a new person and another for adding an existing person. The user wants to be able to do this at one time instead of using different forms. I have a combo box with a current list of students by SS#. The user keys in the SS# and on the after update event I check to see if there is a match. If there is no match, then I activate a new record and the user can enter the information. If there is a match, I activate a new record, automatically fill in the fields, and the save the record with the class information.

    I have one problem. It seems to create a blank record every time. I have to go back to the table periodically and delete all the blanks. It is also very slow. Any suggestions??? Can I do something different that will not add a blank and speed up the process?



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    • #538374

      can we see the code you are using

      • #538390

        Here is my code – one word of warning….I am a novice in VBA!

        Sub Combo82_AfterUpdate()

        Dim rst As Recordset
        Dim mess As String
        Dim lname As String
        Dim fname As String
        Dim soc As String
        Dim addnew As String
        Dim citynew As String
        Dim statenew As String
        Dim birth As String, sx As String, zip As String, phnum As String
        Dim jc As String, cname As String, ca As String, cc As String
        Dim cs As String, cz As String, ccode As String
        Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone

        ‘ Find the record that matches the control.
        Me.RecordsetClone.FindFirst “[ss#] = ” & Me![Combo82]
        Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark

        If rst.NoMatch = True Then GoTo NEWREC

        mess = MsgBox(“Is this the correct person?”, vbYesNo, “Search”)

        If mess = 7 Then GoTo NEWREC

        ‘existing person

        If mess = 6 Then

        Let lname = Me![LastName]
        Let fname = Me![FirstName]
        Let soc = Me![Combo82]
        Let addnew = Me![Address]
        Let citynew = Me![City]
        statenew = Me![State]
        birth = Me![Birthday]
        sx = Me![Sex]
        zip = Me![Zipcode]
        phnum = Me![Phone]
        jc = Me![JobCode]
        cname = Me![Company Name]
        ca = Me![Company Address]
        cc = Me![Company city]
        cs = Me![Company State]
        cz = Me![Company zip]
        ccode = Me![Country Code]

        DoCmd.OpenForm “frmcalendar student no ss#”, acNormal, , , acFormEdit
        DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

        Let LastName = lname
        Let [FirstName] = fname
        Let [ss#] = soc
        Let [Address] = addnew
        Let [City] = citynew
        [Coursecat] = Forms![frmcalendar]![calendar/course subform]![Coursecat]
        [SubCode] = Forms![frmcalendar]![calendar/course subform]![SubCode]
        [CourseCode] = Forms![frmcalendar]![calendar/course subform]![CourseCode]
        [dateoffered] = Forms![frmcalendar]![calendar/course subform]![dateoffered]
        [Time] = Forms![frmcalendar]![calendar/course subform]![Time]
        [inst] = Forms![frmcalendar]![calendar/course subform]![Instructor]
        [State] = statenew
        [Birthday] = birth
        [Sex] = sx
        [Zipcode] = zip
        [Phone] = phnum
        [JobCode] = jc
        [Company Name] = cname
        [Company Address] = ca
        [Company city] = cc
        [Company State] = cs
        [Company zip] = cz
        [Country Code] = ccode

        End If
        GoTo FINISH

        ‘NEW Person


        DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

        [Coursecat] = Forms![frmcalendar]![calendar/course subform]![Coursecat]
        [SubCode] = Forms![frmcalendar]![calendar/course subform]![SubCode]
        [CourseCode] = Forms![frmcalendar]![calendar/course subform]![CourseCode]
        [dateoffered] = Forms![frmcalendar]![calendar/course subform]![dateoffered]
        [Time] = Forms![frmcalendar]![calendar/course subform]![Time]
        [inst] = Forms![frmcalendar]![calendar/course subform]![Instructor]

        [ss#] = Me![Combo82]

        DoCmd.GoToControl “Firstname”


        End Sub

        I know there are several times that I goto a new record. I have tried removing them but it does not work. I also have a Goto New Record when the form is opened.

        Hope you can understand my logic!!!

        Thanks for looking at it.

        • #538420

          >>Hope you can understand my logic!!!<<

          Not really, but it seems you are doing alot of work. First of all, it seems you are copying alot of information to the new record. Why? Also, it seems like it would be easier to do an insert query on the table.

    • #538380

      I can’t answer your question, but I have a suggestion to make it easier to debug. Use the required property on one or more of your fields (ones that should never be blank) to prevent blank records from being created. You’ll get error messages, but that will give you a point to start debugging from.

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