• Adaptec RAID Controller


    I have an Adaptec RAID Controller model 1220SA. On two occasions the system has appeared to hang at Startup, at the moment it is with the technician. The concern is we have established that what is happening is the RAID is verifying the the disks. Does anybody know how to prevent this from happening or how to schedule the event?
    To wait 2 to 3 hours to get access to the system is unreal.
    The processor is an AMD AM2 4600+

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    • #1109164

      If the RAID is verifying the disks then I’d suspect there is some other issue such as a disk hardware problem or RAID controller problem. Let’s hope the technician can find it.



      • #1109286

        Thanks Joe, you have added a new dimension to the problem. This is a new (12 months old) very carefully configured system. Since the original build I have replaced the motherboard, the case, the power supply the sound card twice, and completely disabled all integrated components off the motherboard (hence the Adaptec). You will see previous posts of mine regarding this system.
        When it works it is the best computer I have ever owned (started with an IBM PS/2-80), whatever is causing this problem is so intermittent that I will go back to reading fiction, at least there is some reality there.
        I have today ordered a new processor, upgrading from 4600+ to 6400+
        I guess the best way out would be to image the boot drive, put in two new disks and see what happens will talk to the techo.

      • #1109637

        Hi Joe,
        Since commencing the build of this system every bit of hardware has been replaced with the exception of the memory. Not bad.
        I decided to change the RAID HDD’s from Seagate to Samsung. I took this action as there was no way of knowing which drive might have been faulty. I also upgraded the processor from 4600+ to 6400+
        All appears to be well, will report back.

        • #1112717

          Hi Joe, I am going to jinx myself, as stated previously I replaced the boot disks with Samsung, to date not a problem.

          Chocolate bars are in order for your input.

          Thank you

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