The “magic” Win7 Update speedup patch has a flaw. InfWorld Woody on Windows
[See the full post at: Acknowledged printing bugs in KB 3177725, Win7 security patch, and KB 3176493, Win10 10586.545 update]
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Acknowledged printing bugs in KB 3177725, Win7 security patch, and KB 3176493, Win10 10586.545 update
Home » Forums » Newsletter and Homepage topics » Acknowledged printing bugs in KB 3177725, Win7 security patch, and KB 3176493, Win10 10586.545 update
- This topic has 56 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 6 months ago.
Tags: KB 3176493 KB 3177725
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Megan Ryan
GuestAugust 15, 2016 at 8:36 am #37528 -
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Megan Ryan
GuestAugust 15, 2016 at 9:16 am #37531I don’t know….but what am I gonna do? If I download the update, Then my printer won’t work, if I don’t download the update, I can’t speed up windows update and download the patch.
I mean has there ever been such a thing as skipping a month patch and wait to download next month’s speed update and september patch?
Is there any other speed up update to help speed up windows update for the month that the flawy one stated?
GuestAugust 15, 2016 at 9:22 am #37532 -
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GuestAugust 15, 2016 at 9:56 am #37535Seems I’m lucky : just printed pages 1-4 out of a 60 pages document (asked/tested only 4 pages since the problem is reported starting with 3 pages). Printer is HP LaserJet 1018. KB3177725 is of course installed. Windows 7SP1 64-BIT.
Likely the interaction between the KB3177725 and other updates and/or the users configuration. A true mystery, once again.
Guest -
GuestAugust 15, 2016 at 10:01 am #37537I was going to put my Joe Users back on Automatic now that GWX is over because, across the board, they cannot deal with manual updates. It was either that or no updates got done unless I made phone calls and/or house calls. But it looks like you’re d**ed if you do and d**ed if you don’t.
If you crowdsource your operating system instead of engineering it, maybe you should crowdsource your fixes as well (Har Har).
When is MS going to get it together? We went for YEARS without all this trouble until they started working Win10. Now they can’t even do that right.
Megan Ryan
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GuestAugust 15, 2016 at 11:20 am #37541Uninstalled 3177725 and the Epson printed. Re-installed 7725, would not print. (All install uninstalls followed by reboots)
Went into the Epson printer settings, turned everything back to default, shut down the printer, rebooted the computer first then hard rebooted the printer after the computer returned to the desktop.
Back into Epson’s settings, turned on my custom print settings, and was able to print again.
Too many variables to determine what corrected the problem. We’ll see if the problem returns tomorrow.
When will MS stop causing problems? And if others can’t self correct this issue is MS going to release a hot fix?
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GuestAugust 15, 2016 at 12:48 pm #37545Queued printing is it? That is I add pages from several documents and then only start the printing, and problem occurs in this scenario from the third document onwards. That’s a company’s office scenario more than that of home work, but if I’m correct (if I’ve understood correctly) then indeed for heavy printing it definitely is an issue. Anyway, concerned or not remains the fact this IS not normal.
Thanks, Woody and thanks again, Seff.
AskWoody Lounger -
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Megan Ryan
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Megan Ryan
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GuestAugust 15, 2016 at 4:20 pm #37552What I don’t understand is louis’ comment (#1) when he writes that his printer would not print even one page after having installed KB 3177725, which is far from labels as labels are far from what seems to appear from the original article.
I don’t quite understand. Does KB3177725 induce printing issues on a very tight area of circumstances or on such a scale that louis’ comment above would confirm?
In other words what must be joined in order to test, reproduce KB3177725 printing issues? If the answer is not clear then the alarm isn’t either.
Bob Command
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GuestAugust 15, 2016 at 7:56 pm #37554Is it sad that reading this site and passing on stuff to my friend in IT for the library system we work for is becoming normal? Thanks for the warning – considering all of the stuff we print every day (including barcode labels for items and receipts), our IT guys would definitely need to test that aspect of the latest updates. They might not have thought about that before, since the patch notes originally wouldn’t lead you to check that.
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AskWoody_MVPAugust 15, 2016 at 10:17 pm #37557I think it is about kernel-mode (legacy) print drivers which were supposed to be discontinued many years ago, probably starting with Vista and Windows 2008 Server. User mode print drivers are supposed to be used instead. It may be a patch like the one for Group Policies few months ago where Microsoft just restores the functionality as it was supposed to be there from the beginning and which is documented.
Megan Ryan
GuestAugust 15, 2016 at 11:01 pm #37558Anyway I’ll uninstall the speedup update on thursday after I check to ensure things runned smoothly (I kinda do a check updates thing and keep track of how long it takes like a few minutes or such.) Besides after I install patch-I switch my windows update off and turn it on come next patch day.
Besides I might be testing out how to print a few poems out and I don’t want the update to mess with my printer setup.
So I will uninstall 3177725 on thursday after I install patch at midnight wednesday.
Also I only use my printer sometimes-but I wanna ensure that I have no bug messing with its setup.
AskWoody_MVP -
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AskWoody LoungerAugust 19, 2016 at 6:41 am #37562@Sam @Woody: If you are fortunate to even have the “ability” to “install” any of the updates you are lucky.
I agree about NOT installing any of the updates (other than the only one I need KB3177725), however not being able to even get “all” of the updates (and that after 2 hours of running the “search for updates) is very disturbing.
I didn’t get the replacement update for KB6186108 which is KB3172605 (I think). It was hidden, and never installed.
I’ve wondered if this could possibly help, however apparently it carries a lot of baggage, and apparently still breaks Blue Tooth (WHICH I DO NOT HAVE).
I may also try to do the maneuver of trying the directions to get the KB3177725 installed once again as a “stand alone”. I may have made an error the first time I tried this. I know I need to “do something” just to get the ALL of the updates listed (only have 4 presently). One of them is KB3177725, however haven’t been able to get it to install and download. This is the only one of those listed by “Daili” that I don’t already have.
This has been the worst month of all for me.
Any and all suggestions are welcome. Thank you once again, Woody, for all of your help. 🙂 -
ManagerAugust 19, 2016 at 10:02 am #37563The Bluetooth driver has been fixed. See EP’s post
AskWoody LoungerAugust 19, 2016 at 2:15 pm #37564@Woody: Since the update: KB3172605 has been hidden (since June), and I do not have Blue Tooth, I am thinking that I could restore this “hidden update” and try to install it in that manner. To my knowledge I don’t have anything else that could be affected by this update.
I did get the updates from June installed without using that one however.
At least it’s a “hope” since I’ve never had a problem with installing any previously hidden updates. I hope that I’m not overlooking anything.
Thank you once again for posting this here. I’m hoping to be able to get something done with this problem because I’m spending almost all of my time trying to find a resolution. I do not intend to DL & install ANYTHING OTHER than one or both of the two updates I’ve referred to in my post.
The KB3177725 I have listed however could not get it DL & installed from the list. I’m not concerned about printer problems.
I will do my best. Is there anything else I should be aware of? I do appreciate your help – – – it is invaluable. 🙂
Manager -
AskWoody LoungerAugust 19, 2016 at 6:19 pm #37566@Woody: I already have the 5 updates listed in the referenced “August 9th” InfoWorld (and have had for quite some time). All June and July updates were DL & installed. August is the one I’ve been having problems with.
Are these 5 updates enough to work with or are we “waiting” for the “speed up patch” for August? Please clarify as I’m confused about this.
I hope this thread is the correct one to post this information on (?).
Thank you and all of the others who provided information for this InfoWorld August 9th article.
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AskWoody_MVPAugust 20, 2016 at 3:59 am #37568Walker, I don’t understand why you have so many issues. Just install everything that comes up to August 2016. Trust me, for your situation all patches are secure, the issues which are still outstanding do not apply to your setup. Unhide all patches that you may have hidden in the past and install them.
Leave your computer on 24/7 on Automatic Updates, do not hide anything and just install everything. I mean it, updates for Silverlight, Flash (only if you are on Windows 8 or 8.1 as they come on Windows Update), Adobe Reader, Internet Explorer, everything. You will end up with a stable, reliable and above all supported Windows system.
When you finish updating and nothing else comes on Windows Update, run Disk Cleanup and select all boxes. After that, restart your system.
Run again Windows Update until nothing comes up anymore and switch to Never check for updates.
Next, wait for Woody’s instructions for September and following months.
This is my last reply to you for the time being, I think we exhausted all possibilities and if you decide to do differently, please do your own research. -
AskWoody LoungerAugust 20, 2016 at 10:54 am #37569ch100: There is information which you do not possess about the problems I’ve been having. It IS NOT about “checking” WHICH updates to install.
I am fully patched through July. When I attempted to search for updates for August is when I encountered the problem of the “never-ending” search for updates. After several hours 4 updates appeared. However these would not DL and install. I only tried the KB3177725 and 1 definition update, and those were not successful.
I subscribe to ALWAYS WAITING for the “all clear” from Woody before installing any new
monthly updates unless I know it is the “magic Patch”. My attempt to get the KB3177725 update DL & installed was unsuccessful, however now there is the “latest information” which I intend to utilize as set forth.That summarizes the situation succinctly.
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AskWoody_MVPAugust 20, 2016 at 6:20 pm #37571Walker, then you have operating system issues or software behaving badly. Too much third-party security software most of the times is worse for functionality than none.
No fix or “magic” patch for Windows Update can resolve that and this cannot be resolved over the internet in few generic posts. -
AskWoody_MVP -
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GuestAugust 24, 2016 at 11:04 pm #37575New update is released for Win32k.sys to fix the issue only distributed through MU catalog
it replaces KB3177725 -
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Glenda Hewitt
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AskWoody_MVP -
ManagerAugust 29, 2016 at 5:10 am #37581I was wondering about that, and hit a report of a problem on the Seagull Scientific community support site
Of course, Microsoft hasn’t told us anything….
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