• Access Email Send To (Access 2000)


    I ahave installed a new XP computer and Office 2000. We use a database that has as part of it, a button used to send data in a table in Excel format as an attachment to our head office via email. It works perfectly well on all machines except this new one. When trying to send the message “MS can’t open your mail session” Have looked at the security and can’t find any reason for it. The user is running Outlook Express and that is working perfectly well. It doesn’t matter if Outlook express is running or shut. Have checked the Internet options and the default email client is set to Outlook express.
    Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

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    • #903744

      Just a long shot: The recommended solution for this problem in Access 97 was to remove a registry key. I can’t find anything similar for Access 2000, but you might see if the offending machine has a registry entry named MAPIDLL under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftOffice9.0Common. If so, remove or rename it and see if that solves the problem.

      • #903752

        many thanks Hans… Will check this out



      • #903753

        many thanks Hans… Will check this out



      • #921363

        Found the solution at last. This new XP machine was loaded with Outlook Express as the email client. After trying all I could think of I loaded Outlook to the machine. I did not configure outlook or add any accounts, just loaded a default copy. WHAM Access will now autosend the emails with the attachments…. and sends them from Outlook EXpress!!!!!!!!!

      • #921364

        Found the solution at last. This new XP machine was loaded with Outlook Express as the email client. After trying all I could think of I loaded Outlook to the machine. I did not configure outlook or add any accounts, just loaded a default copy. WHAM Access will now autosend the emails with the attachments…. and sends them from Outlook EXpress!!!!!!!!!

    • #903745

      Just a long shot: The recommended solution for this problem in Access 97 was to remove a registry key. I can’t find anything similar for Access 2000, but you might see if the offending machine has a registry entry named MAPIDLL under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftOffice9.0Common. If so, remove or rename it and see if that solves the problem.

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