I feel like an idiot. I should know this, but I’ve done something wrong and I can’t figure it out.
Attached is my database without data so you can see what I’m doing.
I have companies that get together for meetings. At these meetings, we have actions items assigned to people. Sometimes more than one person can have an action item, and sometimes more than one action is assigned to a person.
I want to create one form (subforms, pages, whatever – one place for data entry) that will allow the user to enter the meeting date, attendees, action items and people responsible for those action items.
I got the meetings/attendees to work fine as a form/subform. But danged if I can get the action items/responsible person part to work right. It looks right, but when I try to enter a responsible person’s name, I get the error “record cannot be updated.” And yet, it appears to update. I’ve been struggling with this for the better part of 4 days now.
Help, please!!