• Acc97/XL97 Automation (97 SR-2)


    I am writing some automation code to populate an Excel Template (.XLT) file with data retrieved from an Access query. All goes well until I try to run the process a second time. I am getting hammered with RPC Automation errors. This seems to go away if I manually go into the code module and choose Run>Reset, and make sure there is no hidden instance of Excel hanging around.

    What I am looking for:
    1. How can I make absolutely sure that there is no instance of Excel left open when I exit my function (Whether or not an error occurs)?
    ( confused The Task manager only shows it in the Processes pane, not the Applications pane.)
    2. Is there any way to perform the Run>Reset command within my VBA code? (not that I should have to…)
    3. Has anyone found anything more useful on the topic of RPC Automation Error than what I find on the MSKB site?

    I wait for your ideas with baited breath!!! Thanks so much…

    Rich P

    Here is some of the pertinent code…

    Dim xlAPP As Excel.Application, xlWB As Workbook
    Dim ExcelWasNotRunning As Boolean

    On Error Resume Next

    ExcelWasNotRunning = False

    Set xlAPP = GetObject(, “Excel.Application”)
    If Err.Number 0 Then
    ExcelWasNotRunning = True
    Call DetectExcel
    Set xlAPP = CreateObject(“Excel.Application”)
    End If

    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    ‘ Add a workbook based on the specified template
    Set xlWB = xlAPP.Workbooks.Add(strTemplateName) ‘Open a new file based on a template

    do my thing here…
    then clean up…

    xlAPP.Visible = True
    xlAPP.UserControl = False
    xlWB.Windows(1).Visible = True
    xlWB.SaveAs strSaveAsName

    ‘If we opened Excel then Quit it
    ‘If ExcelWasNotRunning = True Then
    ‘End If

    Set qdf = Nothing
    Set db = Nothing
    Set xlWB = Nothing
    Set xlAPP = Nothing ‘ Clean up on the way out
    Exit Function

    MsgBox “An error occurred while trying to build the Invoice Summary.” & vbCrLf _
    & “The specific error number and description are: ” & vbCrLf _
    & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description & vbCrLf _
    & “Please wait a moment and then try again. If the problem persists, ” _
    & “contact your database administrator with this error info.”
    GoTo IN_Make_Invoice_Summary_Exit

    Viewing 3 reply threads
    • #631261

      This doesn’t answer your specific question, but I was wondering if you are only pushing data to Excel, or if you were tweaking Excel specific stuff also (like formulas or formatting)? If you are only pushing data out, I highly recommend using ADO to push the data into an Excel file. It is much faster then automation.


    • #631304


      What is in your DetectExcel function?

      Another thing I just noticed, you are using


      before you release the ponters to the workbook.

      You should always release the object pointers in the order you create them in.

      Open XL
      Open the WBK
      do your stuff
      Close the WBK
      Set wbkVariable = nothing
      Close XL (if required)
      Set XLVariable = nothing

    • #631354

      It looks as if your code should close Excel OK untill you get an error in the code. Your error handler IN_Make_Invoice_Summary_Exit: does not include the check to see if it needs to close Excel. Are you getting copies of Excel left open when there has been no error messages?


    • #631437

      Thanks to all who have responded. I did get to the bottom of this (these) problem(s). It turned out to be a combination of things. Not only was I handling the variables in the wrong order, but after finding a reference to MSKB article Q178510 and applying its ‘knowledge’ I was able to resolve the problem.

      For anyone who is having trouble getting automation code to run, I highly recommend reviewing that article.

      Thanks again for the input.

      Rich P.

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