• A solution to the MS12-034 0x8007F0F4 problem?

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    A Windows expert I know (thanks again, SB!) claims she found out why she couldn’t get the MS12-034 .NET patch installed on her computer. It kept dying
    [See the full post at: A solution to the MS12-034 0x8007F0F4 problem?]

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    • #55873

      Doesn’t work for me.

      Error: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value

      This system has an older IBM click-key keyboard without “Windows” keys.

    • #55874

      This worked for me! Thanks.

      I have CapsLock remapped to a control (ctrl) key on all my machines. The patch install was failing.

      I found I was able to reduce the number of reboots by deleting the registry key and then installing the patch without rebooting. Then I put the ScanCode Map entry back. Finally after all three steps I rebooted.

    • #55875

      Thanks for the solution. Finally I found your hint!
      Had the same issue with installing security update 2681578 for Windows XP. I had long time ago re-programmed the caps lock key to not interfere with my typing.
      Your solution worked. However not from the command line, but I deleted the Scanning Map key using regedit (after backing up the registry, of course …) . Afterwards the installation went through.

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