• A New Chapter for Waterfox



    Alex Kontos
    Dear Waterfox Community,

    Today marks a new change for Waterfox.

    Over the years, Waterfox has grown and flourished, thanks to the unwavering support and enthusiasm of its incredible community. Your passion for a privacy-focused and customisable browsing experience has been the driving force behind the success of this project.

    I am happy to say that Waterfox is independent again. This change allows the community and myself to shape the browser’s future direction….

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    • #2571129

      I’ve been using Waterfox as my default browser since Firefox announced its support for Win7 would end next month (Aug 2023).

      Mozilla has now backed down, and – as they say – the end is not in sight for Win7 support, but I don’t care. I’ve still got Fx on my machines, but I’m generally happy with Waterfox, and the separation from System 1 can only be good news.

      Furthermore, I like Mr. Kontos’s approach more than that of the owner of Pale Moon and certainly more than that of the Mozilla dictators. After two decades of Netscape and then Mozilla, I walked away from the latter when they forced Australis down the users’ throats.

      And speaking of Pale Moon, it’s my favorite browser hands down because of its flexibility. However, its approach to scripts simply makes it unusable on too many sites – notably ones with which I pay for my purchases using Amex (with or without PayPal) – to have it as my only browser.

      In closing, I like Waterfox and Pale Moon particularly because they – to the best of my knowledge – don’t use telemetry.

      If it’s of any interest, I also have Brave on my machines. For reasons I don’t quite understand, it grants access to a couple of sites that I use frequently (including my health insurance) where even the latest version of Fx chokes.

      I guess the “best” browser doesn’t exist.

      Please excuse my ramblings.

      2 users thanked author for this post.
      • #2571795

        Alex Kontos mentioned on 7/3/2023 that version G5.1.9 is available to download for Waterfox. He also recommended that one verify the release using the attached method:

        Would somebody please tell me how to use the attached method to verify the release.Thanks.

        Vandermeer, you may want to look at Susan’s recent comment about getting Windows 11 cheap.

        By the way, you may want to know that I am one old timer who’s not planning on leaving soon. I currently like to go out walking and enjoying nature. Walking up hill seems to strengthen more than just my legs. Hopefully, I can continue enjoying these activities for many more years.

    • #2571199
    • #2571222

      Whereas this (https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/firefox-users-windows-7-8-and-81-moving-extended-support) seems to generally corroborate Alex5723’s contention, Win7 users appear to be OK (depending on how you define it) until Sep 2024. I’m 76 years old; God willing I’ll live that long.

      It must be said, though, that Mozilla has waffled on this before. (https://borncity.com/win/2023/04/01/windows-7-8-1-firefox-will-be-support-until-3-q-2024-at-least/). I think the phrase “at least”, leaves the door open – at least a sliver.

      In any case, I’ve been running Fx 115 portable for a couple of days now (I’m on the beta update channel), and no sign of ESR yet.

      If it’s of any interest, I’m not hanging on to Win7 out of any type of principle, I just don’t feeling like moving to Win10 on my “production” Lenovo ThinkStation S20 (an oldie but goodie), which works just fine, thanks.

      I use the wonderful ESU Bypass to acquire the monthly M$ updates. However,  when that ceases to work, I guess the issue will have been decided for me, and I’ll have to move to Win10, I have it running quite nicely on my three Intel NUCs and two HP laptops.

    • #2571637

      Well, … I just did a manual check to see if there was an update for FX, and lo and behold, I was bumped to 115 ESR.

      Live and learn.

    • #2571638

      P.S. Now I have to figure out whether I care or not.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2571649

        One consolation, firefox ESR gets fewer point release updates/ fixes with better stability than the mainstream firefox bloatware.

        If debian is good enough for NASA...
        1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2571773

      Alex Kontos mentioned on 7/3/2023 that version G5.1.9 is available to download for Waterfox. He also recommended that one verify the release using the attached method:

      Would somebody please tell me how to use the attached method to verify the release.Thanks.

    • #2571968

      (Sorry for the off-topic comment.)

      cesmart4122 wrote, “By the way, you may want to know that I am one old timer who’s not planning on leaving soon.”

      Fascinating. I wasn’t aware that one can substantially infuence one’s demise solely through planning. Walking in nature, and exercise in general, probably play some role, but “planning” … ?

      cesmart4122 also wrote, “Would somebody please tell me how to use the attached method to verify the release?”

      Would you kindly provide a link to Mr. Kontos’s comment? I updated to Waterfox version G5.1.9 several days ago, and I didn’t use any method, attached or otherwise, to “verify” anything. I’m interested in learning what I missed. Thank you.

      As for Windows 11, I have no plan for the moment to try it, even for free.

      • #2572180

        Would you kindly provide a link to Mr. Kontos’s comment? I updated to Waterfox version G5.1.9 several days ago, and I didn’t use any method, attached or otherwise, to “verify” anything. I’m interested in learning what I missed. Thank you.

        Only registered members can view attachments.

        • #2572197

          OK, thanks.

          I’m registered for the Forum, but I’m generally too lazy to look up my password.

          This time I looked it up and logged in, read the attachment, and saw that I don’t know how to do it either. However, I generally submit the .exe files I download to VirusTotal. It showed Waterfox G5.1.9 as being “clean”.

          While past performance is no guarantee of future results, I’ve been using computers since 1985, and thank God, I’ve never had a virus.

          Oh, and I’ve come to a decision: For the time being, I’m going to stick with Waterfox and get rid of Firefox.

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