• A fascinating story of MalwareTechBlog

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    I, like many, responded to the news that the WannaCry blocking guy had been arrested with a bit of incredulity. How could the person who blocked Wanna
    [See the full post at: A fascinating story of MalwareTechBlog]

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    • #132235

      So you have it, the rest of the story. I guess most of the news media skipped over a lot of this.  Nice to see Krebs again doing the work most reporters should be doing.

    • #132245

      A most fascinating read, and all credit to the reporter who has dug so deep and revealed such in depth details. Just mind boggling!

      Thankyou Woody for identifying this article for our consumption.

    • #132296

      I had not posted it, but media has published an article in early August 2017 …

      The Marcus Hutchins I knew

      Günter Born

      Ex Microsoft Windows (Insider) MVP, Microsoft Answers Community Moderator, Blogger, Book author


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    • #132402

      It’s amazing the track we can leave online. Even smart people leave enough crumbles that, when the dots are lined together plus the Federal Agencies getting more recorded info on emails, forums, DNS and such, get to one’s identity. Wow.

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