• 6000003 Registry keys and group policy settings to select specific feature

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    To stay on specific versions of Windows 10 or 11 using registry keys:

    Download any of these links to your computer. It will keep your system at that specific release until it is end of life on that platform.

    Click here to install the Registry key to install to stay on Windows 10 2004
    (note this version is only supported until December of 2021)

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    “ProductVersion”=”Windows 10”

    Click here to install the Registry key to install to stay on Windows 10 20H2

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    “ProductVersion”=”Windows 10”

    Click here to install the Registry key to install to stay on Windows 10 21H1

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    “ProductVersion”=”Windows 10”

    Click here to install the Registry key to install to stay on Windows 10 21H2

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    “ProductVersion”=”Windows 10”

    Click here to install the Registry key to install Windows 10 22H2 when it comes out

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    “ProductVersion”=”Windows 10”

    To reset the values – and blank out the version do the following:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    Click here to download the registry key to reset these values

    To move to a specific version of Windows 11

    Click here to install the Registry key to install to move to Windows 11 or stay on 21H2

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    “ProductVersion”=”Windows 11”

    Click here to install the Registry key to install to move to Windows 11 or stay on 22H2

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    “ProductVersion”=”Windows 11”

     Click here to install the registry key to keep the Windows 11 23H2:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    “ProductVersion”=”Windows 11”

    To use group policy to do the same change (assuming you have Windows 10 professional):

    To use Group policy on Windows 10 to stay on Windows 10:

    If you have group policy on Windows 10 Professional, drill down to Computer Configuration>Administrative Templates>Windows Components>Windows Update>Windows update for business. Look for “Select the target Feature Update Version.” Click to enable it and enter Windows 10 in the box, “Which Windows product would you like to receive feature updates for? E.g. Windows 10.”

    To use Group policy to move to Windows 11 while on Windows 10:

    If you have group policy on Windows 10 Professional, drill down to Computer Configuration>Administrative Templates>Windows Components>Windows Update>Windows update for business. Look for “Select the target Feature Update Version.” Click to enable it and enter Windows 11 in the box, “Which Windows product would you like to receive feature updates for? E.g. Windows 11.”

    Note:  Steve Gibson has posted up a new GUI program that does similarly:




    Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

    Total of 22 users thanked author for this post. Here are last 20 listed.
    Viewing 27 reply threads
    • #2399932

      What is the Registry keys if you need to reset back to normal?

      • #2399934

        Just remove the entries.

        Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

        • #2399959

          Rather than directly edit the registry, can I used the reset.reg provided by the forum before to reset it back for normal?

          • #2399961

            You can do that as well.  I’ll also add it to this section.

            Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

            1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2400484

      To use Group policy to move to Windows 11 while on Windows 10:

      If you have group policy on Windows 10 Professional, drill down to Computer Configuration>Administrative Templates>Windows Components>Windows Update>Windows update for business. Look for “Select the target Feature Update Version.” Click to enable it and enter Windows 10 in the box, “Which Windows product would you like to receive feature updates for? E.g. Windows 11.”

      Just to let you know, since the instructions are for moving to Windows 11 while on Windows 10, I believe that the bolded text in the quote above should read “… and enter Windows 11 in the box.”

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2400958

      Hi Susan. I used your link to download and execute the file which changes my registry for keeping my Win10 at 21H1. Thank you for making this easy to do.

    • #2401661

      Concerning the registry hack for 21H1 (or any of them), how are the .reg files applied to the Registry?

      • #2401670

        Just click, you’ll get a warning that the file will impact your registry, it then adds it in the proper spot.

        Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

    • #2402182

      I have not upgraded to 21H1. Can I install the Registry key to stay on Windows 10 21H1 before upgrading to 21H1?

      • #2402184

        Yes. It’s a Target Release Version.

        • #2402188

          Thank you. I was not aware of this feature, but now I’m reading about it.

    • #2403414

      I just used your helpful instructions to set the Windows 10 Target Version to 21H2 via Group Policy.  If and when I decide to stop specifying a Target Version, which would I pick — Disabled or Not Configured?  Or does it matter?

      • #2403498

        I normally pick not configured when I want to reset it back to “as shipped”

        Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

        2 users thanked author for this post.
      • #2403499

        You can just leave Windows 10 and clear version if you want to stay on Windows 10.
        You have a year until the next feature update (22H2)
        Change to Windows 11 if you want to upgrade.

        2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #2444084

      Hi. Just wondering–my new laptop came with WIN 11. Can I use the listed WIN 11 upgrade keys to maintain the existing 21H2 version?

      Casey H.

      • #2444087

        Yes, set TargetReleaseVersion (TRV) to “21H2” and ProductVersion to “Windows 11” (without quotes) using either Group Policy (Win11 Pro) or using the Registry settings (Win11 Home) with the .reg file or manual editing.

        When you need to change version, change the “21H2” to whatever version you want.

    • #2470676

      Somehow I’ve lost the “drill down” info to use policy to set the windows update target release version limit. I thought it started with Windows Administrative Tools but I don’t see what should be next. There isn’t a Computer Configuration option to drill down to. Computer Management doesn’t offer the templates. So, starting at the top, how does one drill down to set the limit? Does one start at Windows Administrative Tools still?

      Edit: OK. Should have entered Group Policy in search window. Rough start today and sorry for the “rookie” brain fart. Thanks all for the assistance. Sometimes the obvious is too obvious for me.

      • #2470682

        gpedit is the starting point.

        • #2470696

          A better starting point is by reading Susan’s original post on this very thread

          the location is already described

          1 user thanked author for this post.
          • #2470703

            I have been trying from her original. I saved the link previously.

            If you have group policy on Windows 10 Professional, drill down to Computer Configuration>Administrative Templates>Windows Components>Windows Update>Windows update for business. Look for “Select the target Feature Update Version.

            On my computer there is no longer a Computer Configuration option. Nor is there a higher level Group Policy option. See file Clipboard01 for what I have. I’ve tried Component Services, Computer Management, and System Configuration looking for Computer Configuration or something similar that would then display Administrative Templates.

          • #2470726

            A better starting point is by reading Susan’s original post on this very thread

            the location is already described

            It has directions but they should start with gpedit.

      • #2470688

        Look for TargetReleaseVersion under Windows Update in Group Policy

        • #2470705

          Ok. Entered Group Policy in search box.


          • #2470707

            In the searchbox: gpedit – hit Enter. In Win10 Pro (not in Home)

    • #2470779

      Somehow I’ve lost the “drill down” info to use policy to set the windows update target release version limit.

      Use InControl

    • #2475725

      Thank you for this!

    • #2475764

      Hello Susan,

      This is in reference to MS-DEFCON 2 alert on 2022-09-08. In the Consumers and home users section, the last highlighted part of the “Start” instructions is “Advanced updates”. I don’t know if Dell altered their version of Win 10 Settings, but I don’t see “Advanced updates” in the available choices. The closest that comes to it is “Advanced options”, which takes me to the update information.

      Right now I am on 21H2, and still have the August updates paused until 2022-09-12. If you gave the okay for installing the August updates, I must have missed it. Should I install August updates so I can then delay the September updates?

      Thanks for you valuable information. Without it most of Win10 would be a mystery.

      • #2475767

        Correct between now and Tuesday as long as bitlocker is not enabled, you can install the updates.

        It should be advanced options, clearly the 111+ temps are frying my brain this week.

        Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

        • #2476126

          No idea why this happened, but I have a standalone copy of Word Home and Student, it’s all I need now that I’m retired. But the August updates erased every evidence of it’s existence. It took NINE hours on the phone with Microsoft over two days, to finally get to a tech with enough experience to figure out what was wrong. The “store” people tried to install a version of 365, that couldn’t find my .docx files and only connected to One Drive, even though the .exe file WAS there. She went in and deleted two registry entries, and viola, I had my original standalone copy of Word back. Pretty sure it was the August updates as after them I could no longer find, nor open Word, nor redownload it from the store. Sigh. Nine hours…

          2 users thanked author for this post.
        • #2476714

          Hi Susan,

          Thank you so much for your help. The August Win 10 updates installed with no problems, and I set five weeks delay for the September updates.

          Best Regards, CMH

    • #2476301

      Your email says, “Using any of these Registry keys will keep the systems on 22H1 and prevent 22H2 from installing.”.  However, I don’t see a key for staying on 22H1.  Latest is 21H2.

      • #2476318

        “Using any of these Registry keys will keep the systems on 22H1 and prevent 22H2 from installing.”

        That should have read:
        Using any of these Registry keys will keep the systems on 21H2 and prevent 22H2 from installing.

        It has been corrected on the main page here on the site.
        Unfortunately, the Alerts cannot be resent.

        • #2486351

          That should have read:
          Using any of these Registry keys will keep the systems on 21H2 and prevent 22H2 from installing.

          That’s exactly what I’m looking for

          It has been corrected on the main page here on the site.

          Yeah, I tried looking for it on the main page and couldn’t find it.

          The reason I’m going on about it is that I’m going to need it here in the next few weeks when I get back from my trip, and I wanted to bookmark that correction for future use



    • #2485876

      Hi Susan,

      I have been OK up to date by closing the Windows update to the end of each month, at the Start of the Month due to Australia being a day head of your zone on UTC, but now I am lost as I have one Windows 10 Pro and one windows 10 Home, both on version 21H2.

      Please, how do I turn off the the windows Update Lock which is now on?

      Also, can I leave the Windows  Lock on and still follow your instructions with the links to each of my laptops?

      Do I have to follow each of the instructions, or just click the links in the appropriate Laptop?


    • #2486099


      So how do you prevent Win11 Pro 22H1 from upgrading to 22H2?

      I don’t see a registry key up above.





    • #2486165

      I installed the InControl utility about 3 weeks ago and it is ‘locked on’ to Win10 Home 21H2, until I release it. Therefore I assume I don’t need to apply Registry keys as well?

      Appreciate any advice on this.





    • #2486219

      Therefore I assume I don’t need to apply Registry keys as well?

      Appreciate any advice on this.


      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2486221
      1. Being very limited in my Computer Knowledge, I once again ask, is this for Both Windows 10 Home and Pro?
      2. I have Windows 10 Version 21H2 on each laptop and neither will accept Windows 11.
      3. Do I have to do anything besides use the link for Windows above or do I just open my Windows delay and use the appropriate link?
      4. As I am limited I would appreciate advice from a moderator.


      • #2486282

        See the first Post at the top of this thread – lables designate what is for Win10 and what is for Win11.

        Registry changes work for both Home Edition and Pro Edition. Group Policy is only availavel in Pro Edition.

        Don’t forget you made changes. When it’s time to move to the next version of Windows, you have to change the Registry entries to the correct values to make the changes.

    • #2486405

      Managers, I have read the replies, above and find that rereading the alert and with my ancient Laptop, I should not have to do anything until I receive the SMS that I can go again.

      • Very sorry, but was TMI for a still learner at 80 Years of age.
      • #2486617

        Yeah, I’ve found that instead of messing with the registry keys, using Steve Gibson’s InControl utility (linked up at the top) looks like the best, most easiest solution for most people.

    • #2490096

      Question on TargetReleaseVersion.  Should it be set to decimal or hexadecimal in the registry?

      “ProductVersion”=”Windows 10”


      Custom Build - Intel i5 9400 5 Core CPU & ASUS TUF Z390 Plus Motherboard
      Edition Windows 10 Home
      Version 22H2

      Dell Laptop - Inspiron 15 11th Generation Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1135G7 Processor
      Edition Windows 11 Home
      Version 23H2

      • #2490097

        Neither. It is a String Value. (“H” is neither decimal or Hex)

    • #2490098

      Neither. It is a String Value. (“H” is neither decimal or Hex)

      I am using Windows 10 Home I don’t see “String Value” as an option – only hex or decimal

      Custom Build - Intel i5 9400 5 Core CPU & ASUS TUF Z390 Plus Motherboard
      Edition Windows 10 Home
      Version 22H2

      Dell Laptop - Inspiron 15 11th Generation Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1135G7 Processor
      Edition Windows 11 Home
      Version 23H2

    • #2490103

      It’s there. Look again.


      So I have to create a brand new TargetReleaseVersion in order to get a String Value – since my current TargetReleaseVersion is set to hex?


      Custom Build - Intel i5 9400 5 Core CPU & ASUS TUF Z390 Plus Motherboard
      Edition Windows 10 Home
      Version 22H2

      Dell Laptop - Inspiron 15 11th Generation Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1135G7 Processor
      Edition Windows 11 Home
      Version 23H2

      • #2490107


        Your TargetReleaseVersion is set to Hex “1” = ON (means you want to use it)
        Your TargetReleaseVersionInfo  should be set to String Value “21H2” or “22H2” (whichever you want) b/c it is a string, (neither Decimal nor Hex).

        1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2490111

        Your current TargetReleaseVersionInfo is already a string value!

                 REG_SZ = String value
             REG_BINARY = Binary value
              REG_DWORD = 32-bit Hex value
              REG_QWORD = 64-bit Hex value
           REG_MULTI_SZ = A sequence of "null-terminated" strings (i.e. String1\0String2\0String3\0LastString\0\0)
          REG_EXPAND_SZ = A string containing a reference to an environment variable (i.e. %PATH%)
    • #2490108

      Got it.  Right now Info is set to 21H2 and I will update to 22H2 whenever AskWoody gives the go ahead.  Thanks

      Custom Build - Intel i5 9400 5 Core CPU & ASUS TUF Z390 Plus Motherboard
      Edition Windows 10 Home
      Version 22H2

      Dell Laptop - Inspiron 15 11th Generation Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1135G7 Processor
      Edition Windows 11 Home
      Version 23H2

    • #2532400

      How would I set it if I wanted to lock in win 10 and still receive the new updates? I haven’t seen an answer to this anywhere.

      • #2532402

        That’s what this specific post is all about.

        Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

        • #2532420

          But it appears that it will lock it to a release version and we would like to make sure that our clients get the latest release version with out having to constantly update the registry. Is there any variable that can be added to target releaseversion/info to allow for that?

          BTW you guys have one of the quickest response times to post I’ve ever seen TY.

          • #2532440

            You can specify the ProductVersion (Windows 10) and leave the TargetReleaseVersion blank. In that case, you stay on Win10 but will receive the Feature updates (21H2, 22H2, etc) when they are released.

            But a safer way is perhaps to use Steve Gibson’s InControl. This will give you visible control of the updates instead of using Group Policy or Registry settings.

    • #2532439

      How would I set it if I wanted to lock in win 10

      Set TRV to Windows 10. Don’t set version (21H2, 22H2…)

      • #2532442

        That would be ProductVersion set to Windows 10, not TargetReleaseVersion. TRVis for “Version.”

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #2532501

          So for clarification, in group policy:

          To stay on Windows 10 (and not get locked out of any future builds of it) you would only enter the “Windows Product version” field as Windows 10 but leave “Target Version for Feature Updates” field, blank.  Correct?

    • #2540800

      I cannot seem to get my Win 10 Pro machines to update to 22H2.

      I’ve installed a bunch of Win 10 Pro machines and applied the 3 reg keys during installation using sysprep and an unattend.xml file. This was with TRVI set to 21H2. I didn’t do this to necessarily limit to 21H2, but this was how I found I was able to suppress the Windows 11 prompting.

      Now, in a VM, if I remove the TRV and TRVI values, leaving just ProductVersion (“Windows 10”), I get the Win 11 prompts back (“this hardware does not meet requirements” — my guess is due to lack of TPM), but I do not get offered 22H2. If I remove the entire WindowsUpdate reg key, it’s the same thing.

      Also, again in a VM, if I instead set the TRVI to “22H2”, I still don’t get offered 22H2. It  seems my VM has permanently decided it would just be on 21H2. Can anyone confirm they were able start from 21H2 reg settings, and then somehow able to update to 22H2?

      If I’m reading correctly, the instructions here say that if you set PV to “Windows 10” you stay on the Win 10 train with all updates, and don’t get asked for Win 11. So I’m a little bit disturbed that I’m getting the Win 11 prompt, after removing TRV and TRVI. Now, I didn’t start with just PV. I started with PV, TRV and TRVI. Then I removed the other 2 values. And this led to the Win 11 prompting.

      Experimenting in a VM is super valuable, I can iterate quickly. But I am going to try it on actual hardware next, to rule out some oddness of the VM environment.

      I find it hard to believe that the difference here is that I set it up in sysprep. There aren’t sysprep settings for this — the way I set it up is to add commands that add these values to the registry. So it’s just as if I’d run the reg add commands in a cmd prompt.

      Thanks for any insights.

      • #2540962

        The enablement package, kb5015684, used to be available as a stand-alone, but no more.

        Do you have the prerequisites installed?
        Do you have GRC InControl on your system? If not, download it and set the update to 22H2, reboot and run WuMgr to see if 5015684 is available.

        cheers, Paul

        • #2540965

          Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

        • #2540975

          This is the link I used and it worked perfectly (credit to @alejr):


          Edit: Looks like the same link as in Susan’s Reddit link above.

        • #2540980

          Thanks Paul, but that link is for 21h2, not 22h2. I’m having a problem getting an update to 22h2. I do now have InControl installed and used that instead of my manual reg editing, and I have the exact same problem. Also I have installed a new VM that isn’t sysprep’d and still have the problem, so I’m convinced it isn’t my installation method.

          This should be very easily reproducible, I can reproduce it 100%. If anyone has time it would be interesting to know if you can also repro.

          1. Install win 10 21h2 in a VM. disable network so that no updates can be downloaded.
          2. Use InControl to fix the version to 21h2.
          3. Turn on network, and windows will find all the 21h2 updates. Install them.
          4. Use InControl to “release control”.
          5. Settings > Update will now ask for Win 11, but won’t show 22h2.

          Reboot at each step if you feel it necessary, but it doesn’t seem to matter.

          Thanks for the ref to WuMgr. But it reports 0 updates available, just like the control panel.

          I also tried wushowhide.diagcab as found in a related thread here. I was hoping that fixing TRVI to 21H2 maybe caused the 22H2 updates to be hidden. But the tool showed no hidden updates.

          I was finally able to update to 22H2 using the link provided by DrBonzo! It’s a tiny little file and runs super fast, so this will be easy to deploy to my 21h2 users. Now I just have to worry about this again for the next feature update …

    • #2540985

      I’m having a problem getting an update to 22h2. I do now have InControl installed and used that instead of my manual reg editing,

      With Windows 10 Pro you don’t need InControl, registry hacks or pause.
      You need GPEdit to set Windows version 10 and better add notify=2.

      Check : https://www.askwoody.com/forums/topic/comments-on-akb-2000016-guide-for-windows-update-settings-for-windows-10/

      • #2541057

        I recognize that (now). But at the time I deployed 21H2, I was only aware of the registry method. All the machines I’m trying to update to 22H2 have had the registry changes applied to them.

        I’ll do a test run on it using the gpedit method and see if 22H2 is presented … but that won’t help me except that I’ll know that gpedit is what I should have done all along. 🙁

        I’ll report back my findings

    • #2541120

      Alright! I have news! This is my unlucky timing!

      I used the awesome WuMgr tool (and VM snapshots) to exhaustively run through many update scenarios. The short story is, after applying

      2023-02 Preview for Win 10 21H2 x64 (KB5022906)

      the 22H2 feature update is no longer offered. This regardless of whether I set the target release to 21H2, 22H2, or unlocked; and regardless of whether I used InControl or gpedit to do the locking/unlocking. AFAICT both the InControl and gpedit methods are equivalent.

      Starting from a fresh ISO 21H2 installation, using WuMgr I applied all previous updates one-by-one. I then used both methods (InControl and gpedit) to control version locking. In all cases, 22H2 continued to be offered when toggling 21H2 locking off (ie, either locking to 22H2 or unlocking altogether). Even as I started I intuited that this would be the case, because whenever the settings allowed 22H2 to be available, KB5022906 was no longer offered (all other 21H2 updates were still offered). So that told me that 22H2 and KB5022906 were probably mutually exclusive. But I continued to run through the updates one at a time, to be sure  that this would actually bear fruit.

      Finally I ended up with no other updates available except for the KB5022906. Again, just to be clear, when I had the system locked to 21H2, only KB5022906 would show available. If I changed to 22H2-locked, only 22H2 feature update would show available. Then after installing KB5022906, the 22H2 feature update was no longer shown available.

      The bad timing part here is that KB5022906 would obviously have only just come out (feb 14 2023). So no one would have experienced this until very recently.

      We all know that available updates are based on prereqs, so sometimes an update isn’t made available until you install some predecessor. But another oddity in my journey was that only after applying 2023-02 security update (KB5022834), did the earlier dated 2022-08 security update (KB5012170) become available.

      After KB5022906, About your PC shows

      21H2 19044.2673, Experience 120.2212.4190.0.

      When I rewind the state, unlock the target releases, and apply 22H2, About your PC shows

      22H2 19045.2604 Experience 120.2212.4190.0

      At this point, with target release set to either 22H2 or unlocked, WuMgr now does show the KB5022906 suddenly available again. However this time, the update is titled for 22H2 instead of 21H2, and the date is 2/21/23 instead of 2/14/23, even while the KB reference is the same. After installing it, the build# changes to match 21H2, in About your PC:

      22H2 19045.2673 Experience 120.2212.4190.0

      OK lastly, after reading KB5022906, I see it points to enablement pack KB5015684, which says that this update to 21H2 has the 22H2 features installed but “dormant” and that the tiny enablement pack (185k) will turn them on. So I feel quite confident that the correct update path for my existing 21H2 fleet is to install all updates, including KB5022906, then the enablement pack, then either remove the version lock or update the lock to 22H2.

      What a ride!

      • #2542698

        I’m having the same issue. I bought a new pre-built PC a couple of years ago with Windows 10 Home preinstalled. Feature version 21H1. When setting it up I made sure to disconnect it from the internet. I set the registry key for 21H1 and everything turned out fine. When it was time to move to 21H2, I set that in TRVI and was offered 21H2 in Windows Update with no problem. Now in the past week or so, when I set TRVI to 22H2, I get nothing. No offer for 22H2. InControl didn’t work either. The optional update KB5022906 was the only thing showing where the feature update is supposed to be. I thought maybe installing every update I needed to install plus that optional one would do the trick but that didn’t work either.

        I also did some VM testing though it wasn’t with a fresh 21H2 ISO. It was a 21H1 ISO updated to 21H2 within the VM. Using InControl or manually setting TRVI to 22H2 produced the same result. No offer. WuMgr also didn’t offer it. Only when releasing control or manually blanking out TRV and TRVI did I get the feature update offer. And yes that also did replace the optional update offer. Installing the enablement package in the VM did work. What’s weird is that its not listed in the drop down menu under Feature Updates in Update history. Its listed under Quality Updates as “Update for Windows (KB5015684).”

        As far as Windows 11 goes, on my host PC in WU I get the message that my PC meets the requirements for Windows 11. It’s the opposite for the VM. I knew beforehand that TPM was enabled in my BIOS. So the question I have for anybody that has the answer: if I turned off TPM, would that stop any Windows 11 upgrade prompts from appearing? Because it seems like the only way I’ll get the feature update offer in WU for 22H2 is by blanking out the values of TRV and TRVI. But I don’t want to trigger any Windows 11 updates. Or should I just use the enablement package? Any downsides to that? Or maybe wait until Microsoft fixes whatever bug this is?

        • #2543612

          if I turned off TPM, would that stop any Windows 11 upgrade prompts from appearing?

          Not exactly. you’ll still get a Windows 11 box, but it will just say that your hardware isn’t compatible rather than offering to, um, “upgrade”.

          Also, if you made the mistake I did and installed the enablement pack without having first installed KB5022906, KB5022906 becomes suppressed. KB5022906 contains the features that the enablement pack is supposed to enable! So what was enabled? Don’t know.

          If you do that, then you’ll see Win 22h2 but only build 2604 vs if you did it the “right” way. Install KB5022906 and then the enablement and you’ll have build 2673.

          Once you do KB5023696, the version and build will update to the latest and greatest papering over the mistake.

      • #2543611

        And, as of today, pi day, this is already no longer an issue. Today MSFT released…

        2023-03 Cumulative Update Win 10 21H2 x64 KB5023696

        …which supercedes the 21H2 version of KB5022906. That is, with TRVI 21H2, KB5022906 will no longer be offered. Instead you’ll get KB5023696. After a reboot, you can change TRVI to 22H2, and then the 22H2 feature update will be offered. Basically, back to business as usual.

        In the event you already installed KB5022906, which suppresses the 22H2 update, KB5023696 is still offered and, if you install it, you’ll again get the 22H2 offer once you update TRVI.

        • #2548432

          I guess I tried updating too late. Now I have KB5023773 blocking my way. Despite TRVI being set to 22H2. Guess I’ll have to wait until the next round of updates.

          • #2548454

            You can always just use the download on the ISO page to get 22H2.

            Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

    • #2556713

      Need some guidance please.

      Windows 10 Home, Version 21H2, OS Build 19044.2846

      At the moment by using the above registry key link I am on 21H2 but would like to upgrade to 22H2. I have downloaded the above registry links for 22H2 and the link to reset the values.

      I am terrified of messing things up as I am not au fait with computers, (my nephew helped me to stay on 21H2 by using the above link and I took notes).

      I intend doing the following:

      Disconnect from the internet. Use the link to reset the values. Install the registry link for 22H2. Restart laptop and check for updates.

      Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

      • #2556721

        All you need to do is run the script for 22H2. It will change the values in the Registry.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2556860

        I am terrified of messing things up

        Been there.  The fix is using image backups so you can quickly recover back to point before trouble started.  At the very least, you could set a Windows Restore Point before you try something.

        Desktop Asus TUF X299 Mark 1, CPU: Intel Core i7-7820X Skylake-X 8-Core 3.6 GHz, RAM: 32GB, GPU: Nvidia GTX 1050 Ti 4GB. Display: Four 27" 1080p screens 2 over 2 quad.

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