I recently had to replace my laptop and did so with a no-name desktop, which came with Win11 21H1 installed.
When I first started the system, before the initial login-screen, “Updates in Progress” appeared for less than 30 seconds. After this, I logged in with my MS account, did some customizing (none of which caused any downloads to occur) and downloaded/installed Powershell 7.
I then ran WuMgr to check for updates and, not surprisingly, the upgrade to 22H1 appeared. I clicked on it and all went well. When it was done a “Need to restart the computer” message appeared. I closed WuMgr and restarted the computer. I was expecting the “Updates in Progress” to appear before the login-screen, but none did. After logging-in, I ran WinVer and saw the system was still at Win11 21H1. I ran WuMgr to check for updates and the status for Win11 21H2 was “in progress (80242014)”
I googled the error-code and all the responses suggested 1) run repair on Update (no problems were found), and 2) delete the SoftwareDistribution (SD) folder. After stopping the Update service I deleted the 4 SD sub-folders (I wanted to preserve the ReportingEvents.log file.) I immediately did a Restart (without restarting the Update service.) The problem persists after the restart.
Assuming there is no simple resolution I have 2 questions:
1) Should I attempt to do the upgrade from an ISO image?
2) Should I wait for 23H2?
Lee Silver