• 2007…Batch Conversion Wizard ??? (2007)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Word and word processing help » 2007…Batch Conversion Wizard ??? (2007)


    hello again mates…

    Our administrator has canned Lotus Word Pro for our office…for good. One of our digital dinosaurs has hundreds of Word Pro docs (*.lwp’s) that need to be converted to the Word format (*.doc or *.docx). I was hoping that Word 2007 had a batch conversion wizard…but I can’t seem to find it (or any info on the MS tech site beyond the wizard in v2003).

    Can this be accomplished ??? This particular staff member will not be able to handle a manual conversion…believe me (i.e., opening up each *.lwp in Lotus; & saving it as a *.doc).



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    • #1138456

      That would seem to be a Lotus Word Pro question, not a Microsoft Word question (or can Word 2007 open .lwp files?)

      • #1138562


        Actually…I was following up on this white paper from MS Tech Net: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?…714&sd=tech%5B/url%5D

        But…I found none of the ‘Change or Remove Programs’ add-ons for Word on my office PC (XP Pro). The article lends one to believe it can be accomplished from inside of Word (unless I’m reading it incorrectly).



        • #1138564

          There is a batch conversion wizard for Word, but as far as I know Word cannot open .lwp files, so the batch conversion wizard will not help you – it will only handle formats that Word can open, such as WordPerfect documents.

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