• 2000017 Registry keys and command line info to block the Windows 8.1 End of Life

    Home » Forums » Knowledge Base » 2000017 Registry keys and command line info to block the Windows 8.1 End of Life


    Courtesy of Abbodi86

    The following registry keys should be used to block the Windows 8.1 nagware for it’s end of life notification

    reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\EOSNotify /f /v DiscontinueEOS /t REG_DWORD /d 1

    reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\EOSNotify /f /v DiscontinueEOS /t REG_DWORD /d 1

    reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\EOSNotify /f /v RemindMeAfterEndOfSupport /t REG_DWORD /d 1

    Note you can download these registry keys from this location. Click to install on your machine.

    Also, click on start, then type in cmd and right mouse click and run as administrator.
    Now enter the following commands:

    schtasks /Change /DISABLE /TN “Microsoft\Windows\Setup\EOSNotify”
    schtasks /Change /DISABLE /TN “Microsoft\Windows\Setup\EOSNotify2”

    Edit by Paul T:
    Commands with the correct quotes.

    schtasks /Change /DISABLE /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Setup\EOSNotify"
    schtasks /Change /DISABLE /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Setup\EOSNotify2"

    Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Susan Bradley.
    3 users thanked author for this post.
    Viewing 8 reply threads
    • #2460285

      Hi Susan,

      Errors with the commands (Win 8.1×64):

      The name of the specified task ” Microsoft\Windows\Setup\EOSNotify” does not exist in the system (idem for the second command)

    • #2460296

      Yes and i blocked the nag with Hibit Monitor.

    • #2460307

      Another method to disable the two scheduled tasks is to open either Computer Management or Task Scheduler MMC (Microsoft Management Console) Snap-ins. Click Start then type either Computer Management or Task Scheduler then right mouse click and run as administrator.

      Navigate to “Task Scheduler, Task Scheduler Library\Microsoft\Windows\Setup” where there are two tasks called “EOSNotify” and “EOSNotify2”. Right click on each and select “Disable”.

      • #2563104

        This really works! BIG THANKS!!


    • #2460444

      There is nothing in this location Mothy… thank you !

    • #2466197

      There is nothing in this location Mothy… thank you !

      then you don’t need to do anything else if the “EOSNotify” entries are not there.
      you’re good to go

      I’m pretty sure those “EOSNotify” entries were created after installing at least the win8.1 KB5015874 rollup update of July 2022 (maybe also same thing when installing the KB5015877 security only update) as I tested & installed KB5015874 on a Win8.1 based Toshiba laptop myself.

      • #2466207

        I don’t think the nag is created for all versions of Win 8.1 — Enterprise gets exempted.

      • #2466244

        It showed up on my Win8.1 Media Center/Pro with the July Rollup KB5015874.

    • #2466303

      The EOS warning and “EOSNotify” registry entries appeared for me after installing KB5015877 security only update on 4 Window 8.1 Pcs (2 of these Pcs were Win 8.1 Pro) Depending on which option I selected to close the EOS warning, got I slightly different registry keys. On one PC, where I selected “Read more” to close the EOS warning screen, I discovered new items for MSEdge in my Task manager under Startup. I disabled items in scheduled task, disabled any new added startup items, and modified the reg keys. Thanks for all the helpful info on how to do.

    • #2469924


      I created a little script based off of the W7 one that will add the required registry entries and remove the scheduled tasks. You can grab it from here :

      Make sure to run as administrator.

      Bradley : Your schtasks commands will not work because you are using the wrong quotation marks. All of them need to be replaced with ”

      [Moderator edit] removed dubious link to web site. Posted batch file contents below.

      @echo off
      %windir%\system32\reg.exe query "HKU\S-1-5-19" 1>nul 2>nul || (
      echo ==== ERROR ====
      echo This script requires Administrator privileges.
      echo To do so, right click on this script and select 'Run as administrator'
      echo Press any key to exit...
      pause >nul
      goto :eof
      :: #########################
      :: # WINDOWS 8.1 EOS PATCH #
      :: #########################
      reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\EOSNotify /f /v DiscontinueEOS /t REG_DWORD /d 1
      reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\EOSNotify /f /v DiscontinueEOS /t REG_DWORD /d 1
      reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\EOSNotify /f /v RemindMeAfterEndOfSupport /t REG_DWORD /d 1
      reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\EOSNotify /f /v LastRunTimestamp /t REG_QWORD /d 0x0
      schtasks /Change /DISABLE /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Setup\EOSNotify"
      schtasks /Change /DISABLE /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Setup\EOSNotify2"
      schtasks /Delete /F /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Setup\EOSNotify"
      schtasks /Delete /F /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Setup\EOSNotify2"
      echo End-of-Support Warning removed!
      goto :eof
    • #2470295

      Oh, seems the quotation marks are automatically converted…

    • #2563105

      BIG THANKS for your very valuable inputs, Susan! Your suggested solution indeed works like a gem!!

    Viewing 8 reply threads
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