I have a SURFACE Pro 4 which is dying due to a bulging display, probably due to a battery expansion issue. Bought a SURFACE Pro 7 as replacement. Trying to figure out how to move everything from Pro 4 to Pro 7, including the OS. Pro 4 is on Win10 Pro (1909) and Pro 7 is on Win10 Home (1903). PCMover (for example) won’t move the OS, so it seems I probably have to straighten out the OS issue before moving apps, data, settings, etc. PCMover must also have a “later build” of the OS installed on the target PC than on the source PC. Need step-by-step advice on how to get to Pro (1909) on the Pro 7. Do I need to get the latest build of Home 1903 on the Pro 7 as the first step, then try to upgrade it to 1909? I’m concerned that if I just try to use Windows Update on the Pro 7, that I’ll end up with a Home version newer than 1909. Not ready to go there yet. Do I even need to update to Home (1909)before moving on to Pro (1909)? I realize that at some point I’ll have to de-activate Win 10 Pro on the Pro 4 to make the Win10 Pro on the Pro 7 “legal”, but probably can’t be before the full transfer is completed. I’d prefer not to have to buy a second version of Windows 10 Pro and then scrap the currently-owned version.
Thanks for any advice available.