• 15m wireless control?


    Our church has a monitor projector that’s only effective at less than 5 meters from the screen. We’d like to move the control (mouse & keyboard) back to the back, about 15 meters away. If we used a video cord, it would have to be 40 meters, to wind all around the place, out of the way. Most wireless keyboard/mouse units only work to about 2 meters. Any ideas?

    We can leave the computer at the front, or just the projector.

    Viewing 2 reply threads
    • #694258

      How about wireless Ethernet and remote control software? Of course, this requires a new PC, wireless network cards…

    • #694282

      A quick Google for “keyboard extender” brought this up as first choice here at kvms.com which claims to be good for 250′ (around 80M). They also do a range of monitor extenders for a similar distance, but I suspect the cost of any cabling may exceed that of the adaptor!

      • #694353

        Thanks, Leif.

        I didn’t think of liking for “keyboard extender ” on Google. However I did find a similar RF unit from “Gyration” for about $100. I just don’t have any experience using something like this.


    • #694283

      A further Google for “keyboard remote control” brought up this at jdjstore – wireless keyboard and mouse that will work to 100′ (30+ meters) – it probably is going to come down to your budget if it is a limiting factor. . . .

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