Topic Tag: Edge
- Forums have 189778 topics and 189778 replies.
Chredge snoops your other browser dataVoices: 9, Replies: 13
KB 4541302 – The new Chromium-based version of Edge is comingVoices: 18, Replies: 54
The Credge is coming! The Credge is coming!Voices: 15, Replies: 30
Replacing IE on Windows 8.1 and 7 with new Microsoft EDGEVoices: 5, Replies: 8
Did you know this about browser history?Voices: 8, Replies: 17
“do you want to close all tabs” fix not working in EdgeVoices: 1, Replies: 0
Microsoft Edge Privacy WhitepaperVoices: 6, Replies: 11
Privacy update: Brave is the most private browser, Edge blabs like crazyVoices: 21, Replies: 38
Say hello to the latest and greatest Microsoft EdgeVoices: 6, Replies: 6
What does "CrEdge" mean for "LegacyEdge"?Voices: 5, Replies: 8
New Chredge logoVoices: 18, Replies: 23
Win7 share declining slowly, Edge still in the doldrumsVoices: 9, Replies: 14
Why does nobody use Edge?Voices: 23, Replies: 34
MS Silently updating MS EdgeVoices: 3, Replies: 6
That Internet Explorer XXE zero day poking through to EdgeVoices: 9, Replies: 16