Outside the box
- This category has 4,077 topics, 35,683 replies, and was last updated 1 day, 2 hours ago by .
The Junk DrawerHere's that place where you can put all those things that don't fit in the other Outside the Box topics, but need to be shared.Topics: 219, Replies: 1930
RantsJust keep it civil - rage against the multicore machines. Tin hats welcome.Topics: 333, Replies: 2962
Fun StuffTake a break. It's good for ya. Really.Topics: 3159, Replies: 28110
Learn to code... or at least, learn to think in small, logical stepsTopics: 10, Replies: 82
TravelThe sky's the limitTopics: 19, Replies: 230
Rumors and what-ifsHeard a good one? Nothing slanderous, please.Topics: 96, Replies: 928
Outside the box – miscellanousArchive of unsorted posts - please post in the categories above. Subject matter may be limited by management, from time to time, for the sake of allTopics: 182, Replies: 777