Newsletter Archives

  • Getting ready for 22H2

    I’ll be going into more detail next week about the steps I want you to take to get your machine ready for 22H2.

    There are two tasks for this weekend I’ll want you to do:

    Firstly use the Incontrol tool to ensure that your feature release is set to be on 21H2. Run the tool and ensure you have your machine set to install 21H2 and nothing more than that at this time.

    Next I always recommend that you download an ISO. What is an ISO? “The name ISO was taken from the name of the file system used by optical media, which is usually ISO 9660.” It’s the name for the digital download that you can use to install and more importantly for Windows 10, do a repair install of the operating system.

    I recommend that you go to the Microsoft download site (for Windows 10) and the download site for Windows 11 and just save the file on a flash drive, a spare hard drive, or any place you will remember you’ve got it stored, which sometimes is the hardest part.

    Click that download now button and save it to a location. Stay tuned, I’ll have more tips next week in the newsletter.

  • Tips for the weekend – why are you still on 2004?

    Video here

    For all of you askwoody readers that are still on 2004, after I give the go ahead for patching later on in the month, I’ll want you to do not only the updates for the month, but figure out why you are still stuck on 2004.  When I make the decision to upgrade to whatever version, my preferred way to upgrade is to go to the ISO download page and start the install from there by clicking on upgrade now, then launch the exe file that downloads and run the upgrade. It should install and then ask for a reboot.

    I’ve seen a few folks have issues with vpn software and with the update not occuring at all. Often the two drivers most impacted by feature releases are network card drivers and video card drivers. Go to the vendor’s site and see if you can find newer drivers.  If you’ve had issues getting 21H2 installed and regularly use VPN software, I’d honestly recommend uninstalling vpn software and reinstalling it afterwards. I’ve seen issues in past feature release installation processes triggered by installed

    Bottom line, use this post to let me/us know that you are still stuck on Windows 10 2004.  By now the majority of home users should have been offered a later version. So if you are STILL on 2004, please post here in the comments. I want to figure out why you are still stuck!


    Topic: 6000003 Registry keys and group policy settings to select specific feature

    Topic: Comments on AKB 2000016: Guide for Windows Update Settings for Windows 10

  • 21H2 is finally out

    FINALLY.  So let me do the Susan translation for you:

    Today marks the time that I consider 21H1 as being the version you need to be on. 21H2 just came out and I always like to be cautious and hold back a bit. If you want to ensure that you stay on 21H1, remember to use the Group policy or registry key methods posted here.

  • Just in time for Thanksgiving

    It’s kinda, sorta official now. Over on the Windows insider blog Brandon LeBlanc is announcing that Windows 10 21H2 will be out in November of 2021. Just in time for American Thanksgiving.

    This also means it’s REALLY squirrel away time for the Windows 10 ISO based on 21H1. Remember the process here, I strongly recommend keeping a copy of 21H1 for a rainy day and the easiest way to do this is by downloading it now from the Microsoft ISO page. Click to download the “Download tool now” and then run the EXE and run through the prompts to download an ISO either on a flash drive or somewhere on your computer.


  • June’s Patch recap so far

    Matt on twitter reports that….

    Office 365 CDN updates for ConfigMgr have been busted for 7+ days now; Enterprise customers who were told to #SplitTunnelAllTheContent unable to download patches for MSFT’s premier Office app


    Adding to this issue as well is that the May 21H1 CU’s that include the SSU are required to be installed before the June 21H1 CUs. So if you thought “oh cumulative updates are cumulative” …. uh well at least last month where it includes a mandatory Servicing stack update, this mandates that you install May before installing June. You can’t skip May’s release.

    So to recap so far we have…..

    Consumer issues:

    Enterprise/Business issues:

    And I’m honestly STILL not seeing major widespread attacks using the zero day bugs that were fixed in this month’s updates.  We’re still at DefCon2.  This is the week where I always say, if you have a backup and feel confident in your processes and WANT to patch, that’s always your choice, but I still haven’t given the all clear (when clearly it still isn’t clear).

    Let’s be careful out here.

  • News and Interests are a bit blurry

    “After installing KB5001391 or later updates, the news and interests button in the Windows taskbar might have blurry text on certain display configurations.

    Affected platforms:
    • Client: Windows 10, version 21H1; Windows 10, version 20H2; Windows 10, version 2004; Windows 10, version 1909
    Next steps: We are working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming release.”
    So far if turning it off doesn’t work, try icons only.
    And next time Microsoft?  Don’t push out “feature release stuff” in a security patch.  Signed… your beta testers.
    UPDATE: They’ve released to fix the blurry text and system tray issues. (Thanks EP)
  • Shared code base means interesting out of bands

    So we have a bit of an unusual out of band (meaning an extra update not released on the Second Tuesday) update released on June 11 for Windows 10. Note that this is one of those types of updates that will be offered up in the WU window but not pushed to you UNLESS you specifically clicked on “Check for Updates”.  If you do that, it WILL install.

    KB5004476 was released to “Addresses an issue that might redirect you to the Microsoft Store page for Gaming Services when you try to install or start an Xbox Game Pass game on your Windows 10 device. Additionally, you receive error 0x80073D26 or 0x8007139F.”  I can honestly say that I’ve never tried to install an Xbox Game pass game on my Windows 10, I stick with my Dad’s solitaire games but I guess I’m in the minority.

    Also out is our dear friend KB4023057  the patch that Microsoft rereleases every time there’s a feature release. It’s goal is commendable (it’s trying to make enough free space, ensure your system is healthy, etc), but it’s not been a well behaved as we’d like and in the past people have reported that it reset power settings incorrectly and reset network stacks incorrectly so most wise patchers opt to skip it.

    I find it interesting that for the Xbox game bug they couldn’t use the known issue rollback where they can roll back the code on your device for a bad quality patch without having to have you install an update and reboot. Meanwhile be aware that some folks are reporting issues with the size of News and Interests on their toolbar causing display issues and being fuzzy. One recommendation is to change to icons only. Bottom line too bad Microsoft can’t do an out of band on News and Interests.

    Remember – if you click on “check for updates” you will get both of these installed. Ultimately KB5004476 will be included in your Windows 10 machine in the next cumulative fix. But it’s recommended to avoid or uninstall KB4023057.

  • New forum opening up

    We just officially opened up the May 2021 Windows 10 feature release forum.

    Since the official release date is coming soon we wanted to open it up a smidge early in case you had any questions.

    We know you </sarcasm on> can’t wait for it to be released to your computer </sarcasm off>, so if you have any questions please feel free to ask away!