Newsletter Archives
Freeware Spotlight — Logyx Pack
By Deanna McElveen
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Did you know that Microsoft first introduced Solitaire in Windows 3.0 1990 to teach everyone how to drag and drop with that fancy new mouse? Enjoy a good game of Minesweeper? In 1992, it came along in Windows 3.1 to teach us how to be speedier with our mice (mouses?) and to become more comfortable with left- and right-clicking. Also, that year we got our beloved Hearts game. Hearts originally had network play to help us get used to interconnected workstations. You could even communicate with the person you were playing against on the network! Common now, but it was pretty awesome back then.
Read the full story in the AskWoody Plus Newsletter 18.28.0 (2021-07-26).
Freeware Spotlight — PingStatus
By Deanna McElveen
In our neck of the woods, high-speed and reliable Internet connections can be a rare commodity.
It’s not uncommon to report Internet issues to your provider via the phone, only to have a tech show up while everything is running fine.
If this sounds familiar, then Bakidok’s PingStatus is the tool for you.
Read the full story in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 17.45.0 (2020-11-16).
Freeware Spotlight — Alternate Password Generator
By Deanna McElveen
There’s never an occasion when a simple password is acceptable for an online account.
The days of “[insert cat name]123” and “[insert kid name][insert birthdate]” are over — especially when applied to more than one online site. It’s likely that any short and easy-to-remember password you can think of has already been added to massive databases — some nefarious, some informational — of stolen credentials. hosts several utilities from Alternate Tools, but today we’re looking at Alternate Password Generator (APG). It’s a free program that creates secure passwords.
Read the full story in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 17.43.0 (2020-11-02).
Freeware Spotlight — A potpourri of anti-malware apps
By Deanna McElveen
You might see a doctor for something simple, but it’s likely she will also check your general health.
So, too, we never let a computer leave our store without a thorough check for malware: rootkits, Trojans, viruses, spyware, bots, worms, ransomware, keyloggers, crimeware, and so on.
In past newsletters, various contributors have recommended that you not rely wholly on just one anti-malware utility. Fortunately, there are many good, free products to choose from.
Read the full story in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 17.42.0 (2020-10-26).
Freeware Spotlight — SwitchPowerScheme
By Deanna McElveen
If it were up to me, Windows’ desktop context menu — the right-click pop-up menu — would take up two full screens!
Then I’d have quick access to everything with just a mouse-click! … And that would give birth to a whole new generation of utilities to shrink Deanna’s context menu back to a manageable size.
That wishful thinking probably explains my excitement at discovering’s SwitchPowerScheme.
Read the full story in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 17.32.0 (2020-08-17).
Freeware Spotlight — Antivirus Removal Tool
By Deanna McElveen
One of the lesser-known causes of poor PC performance is the detritus left behind by uninstalled anti-malware programs.
Our shop regularly receives PCs whose owners have removed antivirus programs properly — but services and processes for those apps are still running!
As you probably know, I love independent software developers who make things easier for us geeks. One of those talented coders — who goes by the name “Alex C” — has given us the indispensable Windows Repair Toolbox. Now Alex gives us the Antivirus Removal Tool, a free utility that you can also run from a flash drive. It has the 29 most common antivirus-removal tools built into one utility
Read the full story in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 17.28.0 (2020-07-20).
Freeware Spotlight — Jarte Plus
Freeware Spotlight — Jarte PlusBy Deanna McElveen
Read the full story in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 17.27.0 (2020-07-013).
Freeware Spotlight — Deanna’s list
By Deanna McElveen
You gotta love utilities — those small, free, third-party apps that have for years helped make our Windows experience better.
There are hundreds of them — most designed to fix a specific computing problem. Many others are handy tools Microsoft neglected to include in Windows. And some are simply fun.
At, we’ve been reviewing and posting utilities for years. Below is the full list of apps we’ve discussed in Freeware Spotlight. All are free or have both free and paid versions. We ensure they don’t contain spyware, malware, or unwanted tagalong software. Most are portable, meaning they can be run from a flash drive — an ideal way to use utilities on multiple machines without going through the trouble of a formal installation.
Read the full story in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 17.24.0 (2020-06-22).