Newsletter Archives
Password Generators — Your first line of defense
By Deanna McElveen
If you create a password that is easy to remember, you create a password that can be cracked.
These are no longer the days of P@ssw0rd123, Fido2002, or 22222. No joke — an entire county government in our area used that last one on both of their servers until we helped them out.
You may think your password is fine because your account gets locked if a wrong password is tried too many times. Well, that used to be the case. If a hacker used a rainbow table that tried 2 million passwords and could try only one possible password every 15 minutes, that would have taken a very long time.
Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (22.10.0, 2025-03-10).
NPS Image Editor — for those who still like Microsoft Paint
By Deanna McElveen
I’ll admit it. I still use Microsoft Paint from time to time because I like how easily I can paste images into other images, make collages, and quickly add text to an image.
Before you start writing that email: yes, I know there are other programs that do those things. Remember? I run that download site. But Paint is fast. You can right-click an image icon and choose Edit, and Paint has your image ready for you. Do I wish it had more bells and whistles? I certainly do.
Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (22.08.0, 2025-02-24).
Back to BASICs — Hello, World!
By Deanna McElveen
My mom ran the media center at my school when I was a teen, and she happened to have control of a coveted personal computer.
Sometimes, that TI-99 made it to our home on the weekends. As I think back to messing around with TI BASIC, I realize that — to some of you — BASIC seems pretty amateur. Well, not all of us are old enough to have had snowball fights in the woods of Wisconsin with Seymour Cray.
Anyway, I found eight pretty nifty BASIC (Beginners’ All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) programs for you to geek out on. All of them will run on your Windows machine, so have fun!
Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (22.06.0, 2025-02-10).
TextWorx — Writing or coding will never be the same
By Deanna McElveen
I am lightning.
No, not fast — but I like to take the path of least resistance. If there is an easier way to do something, that’s the way for me! I do a lot of writing. Randy, the other Older Geek, does his fair share of coding. So when he told me he’d been using a program he had tested a while back that made both of these easier, I perked up.
TextWorx is a free program by fellow Missourian BGMCoder. TextWorx works with pretty much any program and makes writing or coding so much easier. I’ve been using it for only a week, and I can’t imagine writing without it. I’m using it right now.
Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (22.04.0, 2025-01-27).
Treasure Hunt — 10 hidden gems on
By Deanna McElveen
This week we’re looking at ten very useful and free programs that just kind of got buried in the thousands of other programs on our website.
This is not a “Top Ten” list — the selections are not ranked. But most have their place and serve a purpose, so I hope you’ll find something useful here.
Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (22.02.0, 2025-01-13).
This story also appears in our public Newsletter. -
FotoSketcher — Look, kids! Mom’s an artist!
By Deanna McElveen
I’m not. So finding a free tool that makes me appear to be an artist was very exciting. And a portable free tool — even better!
FotoSketcher by French developer David Thoiron (all things artsy come from France) lets you load a photo so it can make art from it. Let me show you. Grab a copy of FotoSketcher from, and we’ll play around with it.
The file you are downloading is a simple EXE file that you just click on to run. There is nothing to install. It runs on any 64-bit (most common) version of Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10. or 11.
Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (21.52.0, 2024-12-23).
SimilarImagesFinder — It’s time to clean house
By Deanna McElveen
I’ve decided to stop looking at, and ignoring, that giant folder of pictures. Like with a cluttered closet, it’s time to dig in and reclaim some storage!
Over the last 20 years, with everyone in the family adding pictures, I know that there are multiple copies of the same pictures on my computer. I have avoided cleaning them because I am simply afraid that I will delete the only copy of a picture. With Kurt Zimmermann’s free SimilarImagesFinder, I don’t have to be afraid because it lets me compare the similar images myself. There are AI apps out there that claim to do this automatically, but I ain’t lettin’ no robot delete pictures of my girls.
Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (21.50.0, 2024-12-09).
SCleaner — Stay ahead of the cleaning
By Deanna McElveen
My husband and I have different philosophies regarding our cars. I throw things away when I exit my car. He waits until the fast-food bags are tickling his knees to clean his car. It’s the same with our computers.
To stay on top of keeping my computer running smoothly, I clean its software every single day. Not once a week. Not once a month — every single day.
Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (21.47.0, 2024-11-18).