• ATMs will still run Windows XP — but a bigger shift in security looms

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    There’s a lot more than the end of XP dogging bank ATMs.InfoWorld Tech Watch.
    [See the full post at: ATMs will still run Windows XP — but a bigger shift in security looms]

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    • #53315

      Interesting points, but in the end, the industry will have to use the microchips in debit cards. And that means instead of signing for credit card POS purchases, credit customers will have PINs just as debit customers do now.

      I consider PINs to be insecure, which is why I Cancel and use Credit Mode. This however did not stop my PII from being stolen in the Target Breach. So now I’m not sure what to do about the rampant stupidity and recalcitrance about upgrading security and other issues throughout the banking and retail POS industries.

      As consumers, what choices do we really have?

      What’s it going to take to being these Neanderthal CIOs/CTOs into the 21st Century??

    • #53316

      That’s comforting to know, Goodness.! Woody I got the Message from Microsoft in the Message it said that some Old XP Machines could run Windows 8 I think that is, So what do I need to put on here Woody to let you what I’m running that might help answer that Question is it possible my Machine can run that fangle stuff 🙂

      For sure I’m running a Single Core processor it’s a AMD and the Mother Board is a K8 Triton, I’m running 2 DP32PB1G25’s from Super Talent if you need more info I can give it too ya..

      But hopefully this old Girl can still run after the Day of Apr.8

      Thanks.. Ron

    • #53317


      It’ll keep running XP – but putting Win7 or Win8 on that machine is probably a stretch.

      Have you considered using a tablet – iPad or Galaxy or similar? For most people these days, that’s all you need. Cheaper, and easier, too, than upgrading Windows.

    • #53318

      For what it’s worth, anyone who tells us that Windows 8 can run smoothly on any single-core processor, is blowing blue smoke and using mirrors.

      Even the least powerful tablets these days run on dual-core or quad-core chipsets, with at least some degree of discreet graphics. The Windows RT tablets do in fact have these characteristics, and they are under a lot less strain than tablets or netbooks trying to run Windows 8 Pro.

      That’s why folks with very weak hardware have been advised that unless you want to buy a nice mid-priced tablet, just about the best affordable upgrade option is to install Linux, as in Mint with the Cinnamon Desktop or something equally easy on hardware resources.

      Nothing made by Apple or Microsoft will fit comfortably into older, weaker hardware environments, and Chrome OS is not a popular alternative for those who think Linux has a steep learning curve (which is only really true if you set up Linux yourself).

      Get yourself a techie/geek buddy and set yourself up with Linux. From then on, Linux maintenance is nearly hands-off. (At least for two years, until the next LTS release comes out.)

      Either that, or follow the easier advice to get an Android or iPad tablet. Android will be changing a LOT in the next year. Microsoft may be jockying to bring out their own low-cost 64-bit Win 8/MS-Android (a new Android fork) devices within the next year, by some reports. Dell is one likely production partner.

      I am holding off on my own tablet purchase until the waters clear up a bit more on the future of Android and the RT tablets. If I can get 64-bits on Intel Android AND Windows 8 Pro on the same tablet for under $250.00, I might consider going for it. IF I can still install Linux as well. AND back up the whole tablet image with Root Access from my Linux converted laptop with the Java Toolkit (JDK) tools.

      All of that isn’t just a pipe dream anymore, but I will have to wait awhile longer to see it made possible. That ultimate tablet isn’t for everybody, but it would cover almost all the bases for me. No iTunes, but so what? (Actually, Windows 8 Pro does run iTunes.)

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