A month+ ago I wiped my laptop and reinstalled Win7. In the process I also installed the current release of several major packages: Office 365, Quicken 2015, etc.
I noticed several of the new applications were extremely sluggish. For example it takes Quicken 10-15 seconds to start up, and I can see it replotting its screen many times while it’s waking up. Office apps are really slow, made worse by the fancy “gradual transition” model they use. I assumed they were just badly-implemented bloatware, since some other apps (like Thunderbird) seem to be doing fine.
But it’s more fundamental than that. The whole system seems slow. Perfect example: you know the “beep” that sounds when you try to overwrite a file? That beep doesn’t happen until five to FIFTEEN SECONDS after I’ve dismissed the error dialog!! It should happen instantly!
This is a totally fresh from-scratch install. This laptop used to perform great when it was new, and I expected it to do well with a fresh install. Any guesses how I might track down the problem??