• Desktop and Windows Explorer will not auto-refresh; must hit F5

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    Hello All: I am a new poster to these forums.


    I just purchased an new desktop 64 bit PC with Windows 7 pre-loaded. I added some RAM, a second hard disk, a PCI parallel port, and a PCI USB 3.0 port. I installed MS Office 2003. I copied all of my data over a LAN from my old computer to the new hard drive that I installed. Then I started to copy and move files and create shortcuts and delete old files or directories and other basic housekeeping chores on the new PC.


    Please see the thread below:


    I am having this problem in spades. I conclude from the thread that there is no solution at present.


    I trust what I read here.

    Does anyone have a take on this? Is anyone having the same problems? If so, do you just live with it?



    Viewing 7 reply threads
    • #1337759

      This problem is well documented on the Technet forums without a solution being found. Because of that, I doubt somehow that you’ll find a fix for it here….but I might be wrong.

        [*]Windows Explorer doesn’t refresh when moving/deleting
        [*]Windows Explorer doesn’t refresh when moving/deleting – Part 2

      And you’ve already posted Part 3 yourself………

    • #1337765

      As Xircal said, this one’s been around since W7 was in public Beta, if not earlier.

      For me, I mostly only notice it now after extracting files via the right-click menu using 7-zip, if I use Winrar from the right-click menu, it works as expected.

    • #1337777

      The use of the F5 key looks like the best solution your going to see for this at the moment.

      I would also recommend removing Libraries from your system if you do not actively use it.
      I have libraries disabled and have not run into this behavior, …yet.

      The rational for this being that, supposedly, libraries too are needing to maintain their respective directory hard links, maybe competing with explorer’s ability to refresh.

    • #1337792

      This was very helpful Clint, thanks. I do not know if I will leave the Libraries disabled, but it’s nice to know I can. It also works in Win 8 RP (just now tried it)

    • #1337833

      Thank you all for your responses. I have disabled the library feature on my PC.

      I also have a copy of Directory Opus. I think I will install it and use it often in order to minimize the wear and tear on Windows Explorer. Having lived with a full-blown case of auto-refresh dysfunction, I want to postpone the return of this issue for as long as possible. 🙂

      Again, thanks.


      P.S. For those who may be reading this thread in the future, the “fix” for me was restoring the computer back to its factory default state. I was able to live with this since I had only owned the computer for 3 or 4 days. The cause of auto-refresh gone (ARG?) in my case – I believe – was the copying with Windows Explorer of 146 GB of data from my old PC to my new one. I have a vague feeling that this may have exhausted poor Explorer.

    • #1337906

      I recently moved 300GB to an external drive, but I wasn’t around to notice the issue, it took over two hrs to complete then my computer when to sleep afterward.
      With that much data I usually take it in managed chunks, but I wanted to see if it would move it all over then power down to sleep after, which it did.

      Explorer has it’s limitations I suspect, 3rd party alternatives may provide more robustness. I just haven’t had the need to seek one out.

    • #1337938

      Update: After using this change for a while I found that IE and LastPass were acting strangely (On Win 8 RP). I am not sure how or why this would happen, but it did. So I reverted back to using the Libraries, reinstalled LastPass. So far so good. Use this change at your own risk. It may have some untoward side affects. I do not know if the same would occur in Win 7 but I am not taking the chance.

      • #1339235

        I just did a fresh install of Win7 Enterprise SP1 x64 on to an SSD and noticed auto-refresh was not happening as I went through my usual houskeeping routine. I also noticed Explorer immediately started auto-refreshing after de-selecting “Use Sharing Wizard” in Folder View Options.

        • #1367703


          I noticed that if I switch in Explorer, the Folder View from “Detailed” to “List” ,auto-refresh will not work. If opposite, then is OK.
          I’m using Win 7 Ultimate x64.

    • #1395512

      Here is an incredibly simple solution that worked for me. It may work for you as well:

      – In Windows Explorer: choose Tools, Folder Options > Click the Search tab > Check or uncheck ANY option
      – Apply.
      – If this solves your problem, you can revert to your original setting and the problem will remain solved.

      Microsoft obfuscates this problem by instructing you to delete your profile, update your bios, disable your antivirus, reverting to a restore point, etc. If the incredibly simple solution above helps just one person avoid the Microsoft nonsense, it is well worth the time cross-posting this solution to a few popular sites.

      Microsoft should have identified and solved this problem four years ago. This incredibly simple solution clearly demonstrates why Microsoft Windows Explorer should not be trusted for the management of sensitive documents for law enforcement, health care national security and other critical industries.

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