• TWO Networks…Intermittant Connectivity_Close, But NO Cigar

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    thanks to all who helped in my previous thread…as u may recall, I had intermittant connectivity to the internet. I went thru 2 new PC’s & 2 modems from verizon to no avail. I did all the ipconfig & DNS release & renew stuff, also to no avail.

    When I had NO connectivity, the network icon in the task area was showing 2 Networks. When I rebooted (sometimes as many as 5 times)…& was connected, that icon showed only 1 Network.

    Today, a smart verizon tech figured it out (but I still need some OS help). He walked me thru the deletion of my Public Network. When that occured, BOTH Networks were gone. Then we re-enabled the Home Network; & it worked…I was instantly able to get online.

    But when I rebooted, the same problem reoccured…TWO Networks again.

    So he asked me what I did when I first powered up the computer, in the original Network Setup dialog. When he asked that question, I remembered that I DID in fact choose a Public Network. He said, ah-ha…I should have chosen the Home Network. He said that when I reboot, the machine looks for the Public Network, because of my original choice; & that it was being confused & combining the two…which is why both Networks disappear when I disabled only the Public Network.

    So now…I’m really close to solving this problem…the only thing left to be done is to UNDO that original selection…please, HOW IS THIS ACCOMPLISHED…???


    Windows 7 Pro

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    • #1288600

      If you open the Network and Sharing Center either through Control Panel or right click on the taskbar network icon you should see your network listed. Click on the blue network Identifier and choose the type connection you wish this to be.


      • #1288755


        perhaps I didn’t explain meself correctly…it’s ALREADY a home network…a single home network…when I’m connected. When I shut the PC down…next time it comes back on Win7 looks for a PUBLIC Network…every single time. I need to go back & change that.



        • #1291010


          1st…I reset my Windows Firewall to default…(have no idea why I did this, other than I suspected it was a major part of the problem & was groping for answers)

          2) when I did this…next time I fired up the PC…a message came up from Windows Firewall asking me about EPSON EVENT MANAGER…that it was attempting to connect to a PUBLIC network.

          3) rather that attempt to go about changing the network settings for this EPSON EVENT MANAGER…I simply went into msconfig & removed it from the Startup Item list

          PROBLEM GONE…now when I boot up, I have instant connectivity…to ONE network…!!!

          thanx for all the help,


    • #1291151

      For removing items from your start up group more permanently than msconfig, install What’s In Startup. msconfig is generally a good T/S tool but What’s In Startup, along with other apps, is designed for a more permanent solution.


      Sorry for the slightly off topic post.

      • #1291155

        never mind…

        it worked twice & then reverted back to the old problem

        I’m really frustrrated w/ this, man…!!!…where is startup, ted…???



    • #1291159

      Did the Epson Event Manager get back into the start up group? Try What’s In Startup if so.

    • #1291176

      Please post further replies in the thread of the same subject in the Networking forum. This is a duplicate.



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