• It took MS eight days to fix an Office 2013 Click-to-Run bug

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    • This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago.

    Not an auspicious precedent for Windows 10, and Microsoft-as-a-Service. InfoWorld Woody on Windows
    [See the full post at: It took MS eight days to fix an Office 2013 Click-to-Run bug]

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    • #47059

      Maybe it’s just me but, given the nature of the problems this Office 2013 update caused, I would think that any quality assurance program worth the name would have turned these issues up prior to release. I sort of harbor the feeling that MS thinks that anything can be fixed on the fly via the internet and therefore more extensive testing can be dispensed. The potential of Win 10 to make every user’s system a perpetual “beta test site” is why the forced updates strikes me as something that needs to be changed. Patching Windows is a lot more complex than dealing with iOS on a mobile device IMHO.

    • #47060

      The Microspeak notion of “agile development” should probably be recoined “fragile development”. 🙂

    • #47061

      Move fast and break things.

    • #47062

      Most apropos! Maybe MS could use that catch phrase in one of their inane ad campaigns with a half dozen babies spilling things?

    • #47063

      Wasn’t testing on a gazillion Insider PC’s supposed to make Windows 10 updates a lot more reliable? Apparently no Insiders run Office 2013, or Adobe Flash, or…

      I need to either stop listening to Microsoft, or start buying salt grains in bulk. 🙂

      Your article nails the causes, the updates are cumulative and forced.

    • #47064

      These kinds of patches aren’t tested by Insiders. they’re standard Windows patches (7, 8, and Win10 1511). Insiders run beta builds of new versions of Windows.

    • #47065

      FWIW, I have Access 2013 only on Windows 8.1 with click- to-run and I didn’t have any problems with the last update. I can’t remember when I did have a problem.

    • #47066

      Yep, it only shows up on certain machines. If I recall, current best guess is that it’s tied into Windows telemetry on overclocked GPUs.

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