• Shape Line Colour (2003)



    I have written a macro to insert a red transparent rectangle to the bottom right hand corner of Slide 1. So far so good. I want the line colour to alternate between red and blue each second ten times. I thought I had it worked out since I assumed I could use the Application.Wait method as in Excel but, as usual, my assumptions are ill-founded.
    Are there any PowerPointers out there who could powerpoint me to a solution?


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    • #1094243

      I can’t help you with your question – PowerPoint VBA is largely a mystery to me.

      But I would ask you to reconsider – a rapidly blinking object on screen will be annoying to many viewers, and it may be dangerous to some: it could cause an epileptic seizure.

      • #1094247

        Hi Hans

        Thanks for the reply. I didn’t explain myself properly. I wanted the change to occur each second, or even every two seconds, for 10 occasions only, well below the danger frequency, I believe (another assumption), but I take your point.

        • #1094249

          I hope that one of our PowerPoint experts will be able to help you.

          • #1094325

            In PowerPoint you could call the sleep api

            You must declare it first (exactly like this)

            Public Declare Sub sleep Lib “kernel32” Alias “Sleep” (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

            Then in your module use Sleep(1000) for 1 second delay. (value is in millisecs)

            Don’t forget to have a DoEvents in the loop to refresh the screen

        • #1095054


          Unless there is a specific reason you want to use code would it nor be easier to use animation effectes? I have attached an example where I have just superimposed red and blue transparent boxes over each other, the first one set to appear and the others set to animate 1 second after.




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