I’ve been perusing all the posts about using Access with Palm Pilots and PDAs. Given the speed at which the technology advances, and the age of most of the posts, I thought I’d reopen those discussions, and from another angle.
I am considering buying a Palm (or other PDA). I keep all my contact info in Access. I also keep my financial info (checking and savings – no stock tracking) in Access (multi-table database). Seeing what looks like a distinct lack of simplicity of synching the data in the previous posts, I wonder if anyone here might advise if any particular model of PDA offers a more Access-friendly platform than others – or if anything simpler than what’s already been discussed here is now available.
My two requirements at this stage of my search are that it synch fairly easily with my Access contact info (that could be forced to be single-table if necessary) and that it allow word processing from a folding portable keyboard. My wish list is that it could also synch with my multi-table financial database, but as long as I can create lists with either the keyboard or the stylus, that is not a requirement.
Thanks for any shopping tips.