• mailto links not working (Firefox 0.9.2)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Questions: Browsers and desktop software » Other browsers » mailto links not working (Firefox 0.9.2)


    Or maybe the problem is with Thunderbird 0.7.2
    Whichever it is, on some machines the mailto links work fine. Click on one (in Firefox) & a Thunderbird Compose window opens. On other machines the Compose window only opens if Thunderbird isn’t already running. If Thunderbird’s running when you click on the mailto link in Firefox then it appears as if nothing happens. By looking closely at the taskbar you can see that the focus has shifted to Thunderbird, but no Compose window opens & nothing comes to the foreground-so to the casual user it appears as if nothing has happened.

    This problem appears to be affecting mailto links in Internet Explorer too-but I’m not sure whether or not it’s the same problem. On the machines having problems, clicking a mailto link in IE generates an error message that the default mail application is not installed properly. If it’s looking for OE then that’s correct (although I’d say not configured vs. not installed-but close enough, maybe). If it’s looking for Thunderbird then I don’t know what the problem is-Thunderbird works fine except from the mailto links.

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    • #869333

      I use Outlook with Firefox, so I can’t help with this, I don’t think. I am curious, though, what are your settings in Windows Explorer’s File Types dialog for URL:Mailto Protocol?

      • #869585

        Mailto protocol is either missing (on the machine where it works, under WinXP) or pointing at Thunderbird (on the machine where it doesn’t work, under Win2K). I suppose it could be something in the DDE entries. I’m going to try installing Firefox/Thunderbird on another Win2K machine (as soon as I rebuild another one-all our spares currently have WinXP) and see what those settings are-assuming that this problem doesn’t affect all of our Win2K machines. (Our other Win2K machines use Netscape 4.7-this was the first users machine we converted.)

      • #869586

        Mailto protocol is either missing (on the machine where it works, under WinXP) or pointing at Thunderbird (on the machine where it doesn’t work, under Win2K). I suppose it could be something in the DDE entries. I’m going to try installing Firefox/Thunderbird on another Win2K machine (as soon as I rebuild another one-all our spares currently have WinXP) and see what those settings are-assuming that this problem doesn’t affect all of our Win2K machines. (Our other Win2K machines use Netscape 4.7-this was the first users machine we converted.)

    • #869334

      I use Outlook with Firefox, so I can’t help with this, I don’t think. I am curious, though, what are your settings in Windows Explorer’s File Types dialog for URL:Mailto Protocol?

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