I’ve run into a problem adding wireless to my existing home LAN. I believe the problem is that I already have a firewall router that I want to keep, so I want to add the wireless router in series. That is, the connection would run from the cable modem to the firewall router to the wireless router. Either router works by itself, but I can’t seem to get them working together-I suspect that part of the problem is that they both incorporate DHCP servers assigning addresses in the non-routable 196.168.0.x range. (Both also default to, an obvious problem, but I reset the wireless router’s address.)
The wireless router says it has a firewall, but I’d like to keep my current firewall-among other reasons, I’m already familiar with it. Another reason is that the wireless router doesn’t have a print server. (The network printer is the main reason why I need to get both routers networked-otherwise I’d just put a hub between the two routers to let them both access my cable modem directly. My cable ISP allows me to connect up to 8 devices directly to the cable modem.)
I’ve only spent one night playing with it so far so I still have some things I can try, but I thought I’d ask for help early.