• chars in subject line hang mail download (OL2000 SR-1 WinXP)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Outlook and email programs » chars in subject line hang mail download (OL2000 SR-1 WinXP)


    Recently, when downloading my mail from my ISP, OL hangs on some messages. By accessing my mail via Mail2Web I think the problem messages are the ones with foreign language characters in the subject line – umlauts, accented, etc. Don’t know why this started or if this is actually the cause. Would appreciate any suggestions.


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    • #782297

      That shouldn’t be a problem for Outlook. Do you have any antivirus or spam filtering software intercepting messages in between the server and Outlook?

    • #782298

      That shouldn’t be a problem for Outlook. Do you have any antivirus or spam filtering software intercepting messages in between the server and Outlook?

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    Reply To: chars in subject line hang mail download (OL2000 SR-1 WinXP)

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