• Number of unread emails does not match waht is in (2000)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Outlook and email programs » Number of unread emails does not match waht is in (2000)


    For about a week I have been receiving emails that appear as unread items in my inbox. However there are no corresponding unread emails in the inbox folder. Also read mail that I have got seems to be disappearing. Also it seems that I can receive files with attachments but cannot receive emails with no attachments. HAave run the Office repair which Microsoft advised but problem is still there. I don’t have any filtering or rules on which would delte or move the emails to another folder.
    Could this be virus like behaviour?

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    • #712579

      Your subject was truncated. What exactly doesn’t the unread message count match? Some possibilities follow.

      First check your View setting to see if the View shows only unread mail, or you have another View which doesn’t show all your mail. Next, do you have a large number of messages? Depending on your settings the maximum is 16k or 64k messages per folder.

      If these suggestions don’t help, post back, and note if you are running Outlook in IMO or CW mode, and your SR.

      • #712624

        Sorry about truncation – did not notice. The inbox in the folder list might display 10 unread messages, however, there will be one or no unread messages in the inbox folder in the right hand pane. I will check settings you mention on my home PC tonight, however, I doubt if I have any filters of special views set up as the installation is a default one. Will check size of folder to. What is IMO or CW mode?

        • #712648

          IMO = Internet Mode Only
          CW = Corporate or Workgroup

          Help, About, will tell you which mode you are in, since you note it’s a home PC, IMO is more likely.

          One other simple possibility, could you have clicked on one of the Title Bars in the Message Window, and sorted the messages in a way such that not all unread messages are visible? Clicking once on the Title bars changes the sort order.

          • #713056

            You were right. Someone had sorted them in attachment order. Carbon based error of course.

          • #713057

            You were right. Someone had sorted them in attachment order. Carbon based error of course.

        • #712649

          IMO = Internet Mode Only
          CW = Corporate or Workgroup

          Help, About, will tell you which mode you are in, since you note it’s a home PC, IMO is more likely.

          One other simple possibility, could you have clicked on one of the Title Bars in the Message Window, and sorted the messages in a way such that not all unread messages are visible? Clicking once on the Title bars changes the sort order.

      • #712625

        Sorry about truncation – did not notice. The inbox in the folder list might display 10 unread messages, however, there will be one or no unread messages in the inbox folder in the right hand pane. I will check settings you mention on my home PC tonight, however, I doubt if I have any filters of special views set up as the installation is a default one. Will check size of folder to. What is IMO or CW mode?

    • #712580

      Your subject was truncated. What exactly doesn’t the unread message count match? Some possibilities follow.

      First check your View setting to see if the View shows only unread mail, or you have another View which doesn’t show all your mail. Next, do you have a large number of messages? Depending on your settings the maximum is 16k or 64k messages per folder.

      If these suggestions don’t help, post back, and note if you are running Outlook in IMO or CW mode, and your SR.

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