• Create folder (VBA – Excel XP)


    I am sort of an advanced beginner with VBA. I am needing to programmatically test for the existence of a Windows folder, and create it if it does not exist. I couldn’t find out how to accomplish this with the books I have. Does anybody have code that would accomplish this?

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    • #647561

      You need to use the Dir and mkDir command.

      Dim strDir As String
      ‘Directory to check
      strDir = “C:test”
      ‘Does directory exist
      If Dir(strDir, vbDirectory) = “” Then
      ‘No, so create it
      MkDir strDir
      End If

    • #647583

      I believe the FileSystemObject has a FolderExists method/function.

      • #647608


        Thanks for your piece of code. It worked for creating a directory.


        There is a FolderExists and a FileExists method. For the little function I’m creating, I also need to determine if a certain file name exists. The documented syntax for FileExists is object .FileExists(filespec) where Object is always the name of a FileSystemObject. How do I determine the name of the FileSystemObject that I need to use?

        • #647618

          You can use the Dir function to see if a file exists as well.

          If Dir(“c:FullPathtoFile.ext”) = “” then
          ‘File does not exist
          End If

          If the file does exist, the dir command will return the File Name.

        • #647631

          You can use the FileSystemObject from the scripting runtime as follows :

          Dim oFs
          Set oFs = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
          If oFs.FileExists(“FilepathFileName”) Then
          ‘do whatever
          End if
          Set oFs = Nothing

          You can also use oFs.FolderExists to check for folders.

          You could also use something like

          Function fFileExists(strFullName As String) As Boolean
          fFileExists = Len(Dir(strFullName, vbNormal))
          End Function

          Andrew C

        • #647632

          You’ll need to set a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime. It’s possible that you’ll need to install the Windows Scripting Host, but it’s usually installed on most systems unless you specifically didn’t install it.

          Dim oFSO as Scripting.FileSystemObject

          Set oFSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject

          If oFSO.FolderExists(“folderpath”) = True…

          I hope this helps.


        • #647706

          Just a warning about the FileSystemObject. It is part of the scripting model, and some network administrators disable it, so if your code is going to be used at locations you don’t have control over, it is a better idea to use the code Bryan posted (carbonnb).

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