I’m having a strange paragraph spacing problem. Say I have two styles: Body Text and Heading 1. I also have two blank documents that are formatted identically, except for the way lines numbers are set up in the header (they’re legal docs). (In one doc, the line numbers are in the header in a text box, the way Word’s Pleading Wizard does them. In the other doc., the header contains a strange 2 column table, and the line numbers are contained in the left hand column. The latter approach works better than the former for a variety of reasons, except for the behavior described below.)
In one of the docs (the one with the line numbers in a text box in the header), if I’m typing Body Text (which is set for exact line spacing at 24 pt (so 12 pt. type is effectively “double” spaced), if I hit Enter and then change the style of the next para. to Heading 1 (which is formatted for exact line spacing at 12 pt (effectively “single” spaced)), the Heading 1 para starts 12 pts after the preceding para., which is exactly what I want. (I.e., it appears as though there is a “double” space between the text and the heading).
In the other doc, using exactly the same styles, the heading style starts on the very next line! (I.e., it appears as though there is no double space.)
Doc. 1:
Here’s some body text.
And here’s part of the same body text para.
I. And this is heading 1.
And this is more of heading 1 in the same para..
Doc. 2, however, looks like this:
Here’s some body text.
And here’s part of the same body text para.
I. And heading 1 ends up here.
With more of heading 1 in the same para.
Both styles in both docs have “space before” and “space after” set to 0, so I can’t figure out what accounts for this difference.
I’ve done more testing with a lot of other styles and it appears to be the case that the space between paras. in Doc 1 is determined by the para. spacing of the preceeding para., whereas the space between paras. in Doc 2 is determined by the para. spacing of the succeeding para. (I.e., in Doc 1, if, after a heading, I want to revert to Body Text, and I want a “double” space after the heading, I have to set Heading 1’s “space after” to 12 pt.)
I hope I’ve made myself clear. If anyone has any idea what causes this difference, I’d love to know.